Leo X Daughter of Apollo

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Hey guys!

So I've been wanting to write an imagine for a while now, so this is what I came up with. Let me know if you guys like it and want to see more. And also if there are things I can improve!

Enjoy :)


A few minutes of running into the woods and her lungs were already ready to collapse. Although her athletic build suggested otherwise, she was probably the least fit demigod at camp. This is what she got for not joining her fellow cabin members for extra training. But as much as she wanted to stop running, she knew she shouldn't. Even though the woods were a part of camp, they still held mysteries that were yet to be uncovered. Having heard stories about myrmekes and snake-like creatures that campers had occasionally run into, she couldn't help but imagine what else lived there.. All she knew was that she didn't want to run into it right now, alone and in the dark. Of course, Leo had chosen to create his secret workshop in the scariest part of camp.

Leo Valdez. Her best friend, who she'd secretly wished would be something more almost since the day she'd first met him. But she didn't have it in her to make a move and she didn't think he felt the same anyways, so she resorted to her favorite pastime of daydreaming the impossible. She had been waiting to see him all day. After the disappointment that was the chariot race this morning and then sucking at sword fighting training, she couldn't wait to see Leo. He always had a way of cheering her up with his stupid jokes. But when dinner time finally arrived, he was nowhere to be seen.

She had debated waiting till after dinner to look for him, but her worry had made her forget about her hunger. Though now in the quiet forest, she'd already mistaken the growl of her stomach for that of a creature she didn't want to meet.

"Leo?!," she yelled.

More twigs snapped under her feet as she jogged past the seemingly endless expanse of trees. During dinner, she'd made somewhat of a scene when she had left her own table to talk to Harley, Leo's adorable younger brother. The two were usually inseparable at their cabin's workshop, but he too didn't seem to know much.

"I haven't seen him since after the chariot race this morning.." His head tilted slightly before adding, "I thought you'd know where he would be."

Her face had seemed to warm up a few degrees as she responded, "Uh no, Harley.. I was hoping to see him during dinner.."

Then she had seen the look of concern on Harley's face and quickly added, "But don't worry, I think I know where he might be."

That was enough assurance for Harley to relax and go back to enjoying his meal. She had ruffled his hair like always before making her way into the woods. If Leo was missing food, it had to be because he was busy working on some crazy project. So, she headed towards the secret workshop, where she was really hoping to find him.

She'd been to his workshop before, but of course he'd been there to guide her then. And it had always been during the day. Now, her path was only lit by her flashlight, which was flickering, threatening to give out any minute. If Leo were here, he'd know how to fix the flashlight, she thought. She shook her head and found herself smiling like an idiot. No, he would've just set himself on fire and said who needs a flashlight when you can have a flaming Valdez? Since setting herself on fire wasn't an option, considering she was very much flammable, she decided to put her vast knowledge of mechanics to work by smacking the flashlight against her palm and praying that it would fix the flickering. It did nothing. With a deep sigh, she continued her journey through the woods.

Fortunately, her journey didn't last very long. Unfortunately, it was because she'd managed to walk right into a trap. She let loose a scream and dropped her flashlight as her right foot was yanked upwards towards the biggest branch of a tree just a few feet from the workshop. She sighed. So close.

Leo Valdex X Daughter of Apollo ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now