10: Don't Blame The Drunk Caller Pt.3

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grace.  [btw grace isn't going to have a lot of narratives in this story but enjoy this one]

aster walks with harry following behind her. from a distance, i see her fists clenched up. yep, she's really nervous. say i'm a bad friend for pushing her into this but she hasn't sung in so long and ever since she stopped, she wasn't really the best version of herself and i really wanted to bring her back. 

"go aster! i love you! you got this!", shamelessly screaming at the top of my lungs, cheering for her. i can see a little embarrasment but she still smiles at me, making my heart warm. 

harry starts playing the sweet melody on the piano, just focusing on the keys. aster closes her eyes from fright and nervousness. she slowly opens them once she hears the intro starting to end. 

"come on, skinny love, just last the year", she sings with a shaky voice, a litte low and a little pitchy. she took a second to find me in the crowd. even from afar, i can feel she was on the verge of crying and running away. "smile and sing for me, please", i mouthed her these words from across the room. she gives me a half smile, hearing her heavy breathing slightly through the microphone. 

"pour a little salt, we were never here. my my my, my my my, my my my my my, staring at the sink of blood and crushed veneer", her eyes skims the room, seeing how the people reacted and to her surprise, everyone was in awe. 

"i told my love to wreck it all, cut out all the ropes and let me fall", she closes her eyes from time to time, feeling the music as she does a couple runs here and there. seeing her up in that stage, back together with her voice made me so emotional. as she sings throughout the song, i can see how happy and careless she was. it was like some things never changed. 

"who will love you? who will fight? and who will fall far behind?", she does one last run as harry hits the last note of the song, followed by the cheers and yells from the crowd. they both walk back to the table with a smile on aster's face. "you did so great!", squealing together with her as i praise her more and more. "thank you for making me do this", she smiles, giving me one of her warm hugs. "and thank you, harry, i don't think i would've been comfortable if you were'nt the one playing", harry nods and smiles as we start talking about stuff. mostly, it was just me rambling all my thoughts out, teasing aster with harry and making him uncomfortable.

i smacked my hands on the table, making them flinch from my sudden action. "let's do shots!", they couldn't really hesitate, knowing that i'd still force them to.


grace might have gone a little bit too tipsy. grace started making out with the waiter in a dark corner somewhere while i was stuck with evelyn, making conversation. our heads instantly turn once we've heard shouting. "yeah!", grace goes all happy drunk. "alright, we should get her home", and luckily, evelyn didn't drink too much so she was sober enough to drive.

"okay, grace, let's go home now", she hesitates at first and started whining once i've tried to drag her along to the car. once i've settled her in the car, evelyn tries to frind her keys which happens to be in her tiny little purse she's been carrying around. the whole car ride was grace saying the most hurtful and random shit while evelyn groans and tries to shut grace up which always seems to be impossible for her.

i walk out the car, taking grace's heavy body. i let her arms go over my shoulder so it would be easier for me. i breathe heavily as i plopped her on evelyn's couch, already sweating. i lay her down on  the couch and evelyn takes a blanket from her bedroom and cover it on her waist down. 

"i should get going", i force out a smile. evelyn insisted to take me home but i told her she didn't need to. "it's fine, i had enough human connection-", i was stopped myself which was useless because i have already said it. i look up at her face with her jaw open wide, her expression was offended. "wait, no i didn't mean it like that", i started running my mouth, trying to find an excuse but she cuts me off. "no, i get it", she laughs. "being with people all day is exhausting". i was embarrased and immediately brought out an awkward forced laugh. "i'll just take an uber"

"as much as i understand your hate for humans", she jokes. "i do not hate humans, i like some people", i roll my eyes playfully as she gave a soft laugh and i could've swore that it made me feel funny. "well, i'm not letting you take an uber this late. i'll drive you and you can't convince me", she steps outside   with her keys. i sigh, knowing i have no other choice.

the car ride was quite silent with just a little bit of awkward. she drops me off and i thank her.

i waved goodbye once i've reached my porch, waiting for her to drive off. i went inside, my body all weak and tired from all the things i've been doing this week. i lightly threw my phone on the bed and sat on the edge. i shook my head once i was cognizant of the silence surrounding my room, realizing i was staring blankly. i laid my upper half on the bed, taking a pillow and wrapped my arms around it. i gave a moment before i screamed into my pillow, apathetic that the sound would boom thoughout the halls since i lived alone.

i pick up my notebook from my drawer and started jotting down lyrics and humming made up melodies. i was infuriated when i had the right melody in mind, only to be interupted by my phone ringing. i groan with frustration and picked up my phone. evelyn? what does she want?

"harry! come over! no stay away from her! son of a bitch, no!", my brows furrowed, all confused. "grace?" "don't go near her!", she hisses as she keeps on screaming, her voice slowly fading. i started to grow worried, thinking their situation is fraught. "grace, what's happening?", i cursed, analyzing things. "shit! okay, i'm coming over".

i hear shuffling in the background, indistinct little arguments. "no, harry, don't. nothing happened, that was grace being the annoying drunk she is", i sigh from relief. in the background, i hear grace groaning as evelyn tries to shut her up by slapping her. "ugh, that startled me", grasping onto my chest, waiting for my heart beat to slow down.

"sorry", she giggles. "were you sleeping?". "no, i've been doing stuff to tire myseld out but nothing's working", i groan, just wanting to fall asleep. "same here, i can't seem to sleep. my eyes are droopy but when i try, i just can't", she complains.

we talked for hours, going from one topic to another. i haven't been talking to someone this late in a very long time. i would've hung up but her topics were quite interesting.

"like when you really think about it, the universe is quite large. ugh, imagine all the galaxies we have yet to discover", she goes on and on about with her thoughts. i just go with it, i can't argue with her because her topics were quite interesting.

a couple minutes passed but we were still talking. "isn't it crazy?", she remarks, giving a little pause before she continues. "we were just strangers for almost 3 weeks now and i didn't expect to hang out all the time like this", she spoke softly. "great coincidence", i scoffed. "but don't you think this could also mean something else?"

"what do you mean?", i ask as she continues to explain, "like what if the universe brought the three of us together to like do something". i laughed at the thought, "what? we're gonna be superheroes". "yeah like fight crime", she laughs, getting all excited at the thought. 


"okay, tell me something you've never told anyone or only a few people know atleast", i asked as i shift my body to the other side of my bed. "hmmm", she hums, trying to think until her tune lighted up as she thought of something. "i don't know why but i never mentioned this to my friends like ever, only grace knows", i nod and let her continue. "i have an older sister, she lives with my mom. well, lives in the same city", she laughs but i raise an eyebrow at the few last words. "in the same city? why? what happened? i mean, wouldn't it be much better if she lived with your mom? that way she wouldn't have to spend more money", i replied with a suggestion that, i know, wouldn't be much help. "yeah, i tried convinving her because i don't want mom to be alone in a house. that's why i'm gonna visit her soon", she says as i hear the creaking of her bed, probably sitting up or shifting to the other side. 

we continued to talk for countless minutes or hours rather until we fell asleep with our phones in our hands, not noticing that the call was still going until one of us woke up and ended it. 

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