Final Chapter: The Skull Cave (Part 2)

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Charizard: Hang on, Piglet!

Piglet: Hanging on tightly!

Charizard flew Piglet to the eye of the skull and Piglet tossed the vine to the others.

Ash: They did it!

Pooh, Ash, Pikachu, Comfey and Staryu slid down to the bottom of the pit.

Psyduck: I wonder... Nah! I'm just thinking it stupidly.

Pikachu: Wait for us!

Staryu: We're stuck in this pit!

Pikachu: Piglet was braver than he believes.

Comfey: Tigger was stronger than he seems.

Ash: And Rabbit is smarter than he thinks. Pikachu, if we're apart I'll always be with you.

Christopher Robin (thought bubble): Always be with you.

Pooh: It's almost as if he'd never left me.

Staryu: Don't know about that. Pooh, perhaps Christopher Robin's with you in the place mattered most. Owl must've been mistaken.

Muk: This is it! The eye of the skull!

Geodude: Look! It's... It's...

Piglet: Christopher Robin?

Bulbasaur: That's Christopher Robin.

Christopher Robin: I've been searching everywhere for you.

Misty: We were looking for you. Piglet learned something along the way.

Piglet: It's that I'm brave enough!

Tigger: Get a load of this! I'm strong enough! Oof!

Crobat: You okay?

Rabbit: Ahem!

Croagunk: And Rabbit learned that he's smart enough. And it took them this long to figure it out.

Eeyore: Had it inside them all along.

Misty: Where are our manners? I'm Misty! And this is Brock.

Brock: Hey.

Christopher Robin: Glad to meet your acquaintances. Wait! Searching for me?

Squirtle: To save you from the place known as Skull.

Christopher Robin: Skull? You must mean school.

Psyduck: I knew it sounded familiar. What about your note? It said to worry about you.

Kingler: Wait a minute! The note had some pronoun trouble. It was supposed to say. "Don't worry about me. I'm not going far away. Just to school. Be back this afternoon. Help yourself to this honey." Looks like Pooh did.

Christopher Robin: Where is Pooh?

Psyduck: He and Ash have been gobbled up by the big old, buggy eyed, sabertooth like, Skullasaurus.

Christopher Robin: The what?

A growl was heard from the distance.

Croagunk: There's only one thing that would make a sound like that.

Misty: Obviously the sound of a rumbly tumbly of a certain ten year old boy known as Ash.

Christopher Robin: And also the rumbly tumbly of a hungry for honey... Pooh Bear.

Comfey: You know Pooh, if you were going to save this honey for Christopher Robin. If you munched a smackerel, he'd have half.

Pooh: It's a bothersome thing eating for two.

Pikachu: Guys, there's a big honeypot over there.

Staryu: We may as well eat what's in there.

Pooh: Couldn't agree more!

Sudowoodo: Drag them up!

Ash: Why are we moving up?

Comfey: Don't know!

Brock: Guys!

Misty: Guess who's here?

Ash: Misty! Brock!

Comfey: This must be Christopher Robin.

Christopher Robin: Silly old bear.

Ash: I'm Ash! And this is my best friend Pikachu!

Pikachu: Great to meet you!

Christopher Robin: Same here.

Pooh: You guys are leaving so soon.

Pikachu: Yeah. Afraid so.

Ash: I'm sure we'll come back someday.

Misty: There's our ride!

Brock: Goodbye guys! I know our paths will cross again someday.

Ash and Co went back to their world.

Pikachu: Glad to be back here.

Ash: Wonder what's happening in the Hundred Acre Wood right now?

In the Hundred Acre Wood

Pooh: I'm still not certain why you went to this school, Christopher Robin.

Christopher Robin: Well, I went there to learn things. Like where the sun goes at night. And how words are spelled. And how they're not.

Pooh: Rabbit will be so proud.

Christopher Robin: It's rather fun really, in a different sort of way. It was scary at first. But then... I remembered how brave Piglet can be. And that helped. And sometimes I didn't think I'd have the strength to go on. Then I thought of Tigger. And once I found myself feeling very much alone.

Pooh: What did you do then?

Christopher Robin: I... thought of you, Pooh.

Pooh: It's what I would've done.

Christopher Robin: Pooh Bear. I'm told that tomorrow I'll be going again.

Pooh: Again? Shall I find you again?

Christopher Robin: No. I'm going to school. I'll be back, as long as you're here. Promise me you'll always be here. Even when I'm 100.

Pooh: How old shall I be then?

Christopher Robin: 99.

Pooh: I promise!

Christopher Robin: Forever and ever?

Pooh: Yes, Christopher Robin. Forever and ever.

And so it is here we shall leave them. And Ash and Co might find them again. For the boy and the bear will always be together in this remarkable place called the Hundred Acre Wood.

The End

Hope you enjoyed the story and have a great day folks!

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