chapter 48

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She was dreaming again

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She was dreaming again. It had become easier to tell.

She found herself observing as her brother parried against the Second Prince's attacks. The latter was always aggressive on the training field, despite the numerous times she had corrected him. The woman—no, she was much younger now— sighed, knowing that the Second Prince was going to lose.

And he did.

She dismissed Haru immediately, not wanting him to hear the harsh words that the Prince was going to hurl. Her brother was just a boy, still learning the ways of the land and its people. And so far, it had been difficult for him to adjust.

Once Haru had left, the Prince flung the wooden sword away, scowling ferociously.

"Do you do this on purpose?" He hissed at her, "Do you teach that foreigner in private so that he can make me look like a fool in front of everyone?"

She was older than him—sixteen to his fifteen. Yet, he towered over her.

"He's my brother, Your Highness." She corrected him politely, "Not a foreigner."

"Then you consider me as the inferior one, isn't it?" He challenged, "Because of the nature of my birth—"

"Forgive me for interrupting the Prince," She said sharply, "however I shall not entertain such delusional talk. Your Lord father, the King, has commanded me to train you to the best of my abilities so that you are ready for battle, as and when the need arises. No other factor has come into play. Since my brother is around the same age as you, I figured he would make a suitable training partner for you."

He pressed his fists to his side, sneering at her, "You are free to stop teaching me. I'll inform Father that he need not force my company on you."

She sighed. Sometimes, her mind was too preoccupied to realize who she was talking to. The Second Prince was just a boy as well. Even at his young age, he was no stranger to cruelty in the hands of the court and the royal household. His mother was a lowly court lady who had accidentally caught the King's eye. The only reason Prince Kyung had been legitimized was because the King had realized the need for a spare, Gods forbid harm befell the First Prince Jinmi.

The Queen had not been happy with the newest addition to their perfect family.

"Don't say that." The younger girl said softly, "We've grown up together, you and I. There's nobody else's company that I would prefer when the time permits. However, I cannot disobey the King's orders. I am required to be stern for you to learn properly."

The corner of his mouth twitched and he looked away, "I don't understand why a woman has to teach me."

"Because this woman was trained personally by her father, and she is quite possibly the most proficient when it comes to training His Highness." She answered, "My father will teach you once he returns in a few weeks time. However, if the Prince still feels that he is being unjustly forced into my company, I shall have a word with the King."

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