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These are the words I hear everyday at school, constantly on my mind all day, every day. It didn't matter who said them, friends, bullies, strangers even my family, it always hurt the same. Each word burning in my brain scarring my mind like my scarred body. It never stopped and today had been no different; I had been alone all day because nobody wanted to be friends with me. The biggest reject in the whole school because who would love somebody who cuts them self? Or starves them self? Or only listens to 'demonic' music? I don't even want to know me most of the time. I wish I could disappear into a hole but I'm just not that lucky.

It was always the same, the same insults, the same people, the same songs that saved me, the same blades I ran to. Nothing changed except the number of scars on my body; always growing with each day. The shame getting worse and worse and more people questioned them and made me feel like shit because of that one mistake. The mistake of picking up that blade in the first place. I should have left it in my sharpener and then maybe I wouldn't spend every night wishing I was dead. If I'd left it alone maybe I could be happy again but it's too late now. Too late to take it all back and restart my life. Too late to make it all go away without leaving this hateful world. We all remember that first cut, the story replays in my mind everyday haunting me even more then yesterday. I never wanted this life but now I'm stuck with it and it seems to be up to me to change it. But maybe I don't want it to change I just want it to all go away.

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