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[Read the A/N at the end!]

- Knock knock! -

Beomgyu's mother opened the door and looked at the blue haired boy that was standing in front of her. "You must be Yeonjun, right?" she asked after a few seconds and the boy nodded.

"Choi Yeonjun at your service Madame!" Yeonjun bowed and the lady who chuckled. "May I see your son, Beomgyu?" Yeonjun asked, hopeful.

The lady's smile disappeard as she said "I don't know what's wrong with him, can you please help him? He doesn't even want to come out of his room and he ate only a plate of rice..."

Yeonjun gasped. "I-I'll try" he stuttered feeling like the world just collapsed on him, that guilty feeling coming out again. This time hitting him like a bomb.


Beomgyu heard someone entering the room, but didn't open his eyes. He hadn't the strenght to, during the night he had vomited the only plate of rice he had eaten and now his stomach and head hurted.


That voice. Beomgyu opened his eyes and observed the blue haired boy. "Go away I know you're not real." he whispered, trying to convince himself that was another of his shitty imaginations.

"I'm real, and I'm sorry I made you cry. I didn't know what you have been through. I was afraid because you made me understand a lot of new things to me, and my homophobic parents didn't help at all." Yeonjun said sitting on the bed and looking into Beomgyu's eyes.

"So you aren't mad at me?" Beomgyu said in a whisper.

"No, I'm mad at myself. And from now on I'll think my own without listening to the other's opinion. And you, do you still love me?"

"HELL YEAH" Beomgyu almost screamed and Yeonjun chuckled. "Can I touch you? Just to make sure your not a ghost" Beomgyu asked and he reached out his arm and touched Yeonjun's cheek lightly.

As an answer Yeonjun softly took Beomgyu's head in his hands that were forming a cup so they were looking into each others eyes.

"You know, I thought about it for a long time and it was difficoult to accept it but... I guess I'm bi."

"Oh wow that's a beautiful confession."

"Shut up." Yeonjun put a finger on Beomgyu's lips and leaned closer to them, closing the gap. Their lips touched and it felt like a dream, their first kiss... that didn't last long because Beomgyu quickly pushed Yeonjun away before he could lengthen the kiss.

"I'm sick" Beomgyu justified himself covering his red face.

'O. my. Fucking. God. HE KISSED ME! CHOIYEONJUNKISSEDME!' was everything that he could think in that moment. His brain was like a shopping center at Christmas' Sunday with sales.

Yeonjun pouted and approached to Beomgyu, who was now a tomato. A pretty tomato. "I want another kiss!" Yeonjun whined and tried to kiss Beomgyu, who covered Yeonjun's mouth while giggling.

"I love you." Beomgyu whispered.

Yeonjun smiled "You already said it."

"Then I'm gonna say it twice so you won't forget it."


It was almost dinner time when Yeonjun decided to go home, and greeted Beomgyu with a flying kiss. Beomgyu shook his head and explained once again "One kiss for friends, two kisses for close friends and three kisses for someone you like."

Yeonjun laughed and kissed Beomgyu on the cheeks. "I kissed you four times, so you won't complain" he said and Beomgyu's eyes widened. "But four times is only for broth-"

Beofre he could say anything he was cut off by Yeonjun, who quickly placed a small kiss him on his lips. "One kiss on the lips for the most beautiful person I know" Yeonjun winked at him. "I like when you blush, you're cuter" he added closing the room's door.

Beomgyu already missed him.

Later he decided to eat something for the first time since the rice plate, and he wanted to see his mother.

When they were eating, Beomgyu thought about how she was feeling and asked "Mom? Aren't you sad about dad?". She smiled sadly "You know, sometimes you have to accept your life like it is. If this is the way to make him happy, then I'm fine."

"By the way, I saw you made a lot of friends! Did you finds also a pretty girl?" she asked changing the argument and noticed Beomgyu's smile fading away. "Beomgyu? Do you have something to tell me? You know you can tell me anything that's why I'm your mother" she said.


"Go on, don't be afraid"

"I don't like girls, mom."




The glass fell from her hands and shattered into a thousand pieces. Her mouth was open and she was looking at him with wide eyes. Beomgyu looked to the ground "I'm sorry you don't have a normal son..." he said in a whisper.

His mother didn't say anything at first, then held his hands and kissed her son's forehead. "You can be whatever you want for me, I love you all the same," he said with a smile. "So, do you already have a boy you like?"

Beomgyu blushed. "Mum!" he protested as she laughed.


[on the phone]

"Yeosang you wouldn't believe me if I tell you what happened!!!"

"You got B in Chemistry?"

"I TOLD MY MOM I LIKE BOYS, at the beginning she was a little shocked of course, but then she smiled and said for her is okay!"

"I'm so proud of you!"

"And how's with Jongho?"

"Mmm... cannot tel you ehehe" Yeosang chuckled and ended the call.

1008 words

I had to rewrite changing 3 times because my fingers kept typing changbin lol

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