~ Chapter 1 ~

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Sonic, Y/N, and Merlina are teleported to the forest. Y/N brought out the chili dog for him much to his relief and thanked her as he happily ate it. They are now walking as Sonic decided to talk to Merlina.

"Why'd you stop us? We could've taken him down, no problem!"

"Is there something wrong?" Y/N added.

"You do not understand. He cannot be wounded." Merlina said.

"How can that be?"

"He bears the scabbard of Excalibur."

"Hey, wait a second... I think I've heard that name before. Ummm... Lemme see..."

Y/N's eyes widen as she remembered reading a book about it.

"King Arthur's sword!"

"Oh, yeah, right! So that means..."

"This is the land ruled by King Arthur."

"Whoa! But was that really the King himself? I mean, he seemed way different in the stories." Sonic said.

"Yeah. What happened to him?" Y/N asked.

"Let us go."

Merlina puts on her hood and grab it.

"We can talk along the way. Let me introduce myself. I am Merlina the Wizard."

"I'm Sonic, Sonic the Hedgehog."

"I'm Y/N, Y/N the Hedgehog. And I'm Sonic's sister."

"First, I would like for you two to get accustomed to our world." Merlina said.

"Sounds good. The rule seems a little different this time around..." Sonic nodded.

"Yeah." Y/N nodded.

"I want you two to learn swordmanship starting from the basics. Not that sword that I saw earlier, Y/N." Merlina said.

"Ah, I see."

"Swords, eh? Well, if that's how you guys roll around here, why not? Lay it on us, sister!" Sonic grinned.

"Will do!" Y/N grinned. "Swordmanship is my middle name."

After a long walk, they reached the Misty Lake.

"He was once a wise and just ruler. He was blessed with noble knights and praised by all. However..." Merlina explained.

"...he got a little sidetracked?" Sonic guessed.

"Yes. Nimue, the Lady of the Lake, gave him Excalibur. He was bewitched by the power of immortality its scabbard bestowed. He became immortal, summoning legions from the underworld. He is plunging his kingdom into a world of horror and chaos."

"That's terrible." Y/N frowned. "Everyone knows that great power brings corruption."

"You mean like big ol' haunted house? Ha ha! This'll be cool! It'll be like Halloween all year long!"

"Sonic!" Y/N smacked his arm, glaring at him.


"Maybe so, but I fear there will be nobody left to enjoy it. We must act now."

"You mean take out King Arthur? What about immortal thing?" Sonic asked.

"How do we defeat him?" Y/N asked.

Merlina pointed her staff.

"Beyond this misty lake sleeps two sacred swords. With those swords--"

"Yeah yeah, we'll go get it. Be back in a flash!" Sonic begins to run.

"Alright!" Y/N activates her rocket roller skates.

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