Chapter 3: The Temple

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"See you tomorrow, Naruto, Shino" Asagao called out to them, they both blushed as Asagao smiled brightly at them and the wind gently blew around his hair.

"Bye, Asa-chan!" Asagao giggled and left, going back to the Yamanaka clan compound. Ino would probably join later, due to her after school activity that is stalking Sasuke, while he's taking a shit.

"Welcome back, Asagao. How was your first day?" Mrs Yamanaka asked rather cheerfully. Asagao gave her his most fake and sarcastic smile and answered her.

"Oh, it was great! I nearly stabbed the last Uchiha living in Konoha and I befriended the Uzumaki 'brat'. Now, if you don't mind, I'll be going to the temple to pray for my dead parents, which this morning was interupted by your spoiled, boy obsessed daughter" With that Asagao left to change into his usual clothing that he wore when visiting the temple. Of course, he didn't see the mortified face of the Yamanaka, who had in fact dropped a vase on the floor, making it shatter in a million pieces.

 Of course, he didn't see the mortified face of the Yamanaka, who had in fact dropped a vase on the floor, making it shatter in a million pieces

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Asagao's wooden sandles clicked against the gravel underneath them as he silently made his way to the temple located in one of the many forests of Konoha

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Asagao's wooden sandles clicked against the gravel underneath them as he silently made his way to the temple located in one of the many forests of Konoha.

Carrying a small pouch, Asagao greeted the priest and made his way to the shrine little ways away from the temple. Asagao was pretty much aware of the brooding male following him, but choose to ignore him.

Sasuke watched as Asagao took a seat in front of the meditating buddha statue and put down a small picture, which he couldn't see clearly. He then heard Asagao softly speaking and praying. It wasn't until loud thunder from a distance and freezing rain drops falling brought Sasuke out of his trance.

"You'll catch a cold if you keep standing there" Turning to the voice, he saw Asagao looking at him, whilst holding a small lantern in his hand. Asagao was sheltered from the rain and wind in the shrine. Sasuke opted to join him, instead of falling ill.

There was a silence between the two. Asagao continued praying as Sasuke watched the rain form a puddle, just outside of the shrine. Looking over his shoulder he finally got a clear few of the picture and he could feel his breathing halt from shock. The picture had Asagao, a lady with white hair and a man with pure black hair.

They looked so happy despite their poor appearance. The background seemed to be either a burnt forest or ruins.

"They're my birth parents, they're dead" Asagao said, knowing that Sasuke was staring at the picture. Asagao put the picture back in the pouch and took a seat next to Sasuke.

"They died in a war, if your wondering. I don't really have anyone to blame it on and I'm not looking for revenge" Asagao said, pulling his leg up and leaning his cheek onto his knee.

"I'm guessing you already know what happened to mine" Sasuke said quietly. Asagao nodded wordlessly. Asagao then grinned and took off his sandals, jumping straight into the puddle, despite it still raining.

"Oi! You just scolded me about standing in the rain!" Sasuke yelled at Asagao, who was laughing in glee.

"I know what I said! Baka!" Asagao yelled back. Sasuke snorted a bit and took off his sandals jumping into the puddle next to Asagao.

"You're such a tsunderu" Asagao gasped and pushed Sasuke making him fall. Sasuke growled and tripped Asagao, now they were in the muddy puddle. This was the first time in a long while that Sasuke was genuinly having a good time.

"Asagao! What are you doing?! You're coming home with me this instance!" Their heads turned at the sound of a loud gasp and the angry voice of a woman. They saw Mrs Yamanaka standing, holding an umbrella above her head, she looked furious.

Asagao gulped and stood up, waving and saying a really soft bye to Sasuke, who had furrowed brows. Asagao walked over to the woman, who gave him a slap on the back of his head and immediately started scolding him.

Sasuke whinced a little as Asagao seemed to have said something and recieved another slap.

"She's always like that when Asagao dances in the rain or in this case plays. Though I am happy that he has made a friend" Sasuke turned to the priest that looked solemly at the disappearing figures in the distance. The priest was about to head back to the main temple, but was stopped by Sasuke.

"Where does Asagao live? He forgot his pouch" Sasuke asked. The priest turned to him a gently smile present on his wrinkly face.

"He lives with the Yamanaka, he was taken in by them" With that the priest left. Sasuke rather quickly ran through the rain to his house and changed into something not covered in mud.

He then snatched an umbrella from the holder and walked out into the rain towards the Yamanaka compound. Sasuke knocked rapidly on the front door, he heard a lot of shouting from the inside and after a minute the door opened. Asagao looked fairly suprised at seeing him, but gave him a smile and asked if he wanted to come inside and out of the rain.

"Asa! Who is it!" An all to familiar voice yelled out from behind Asagao. Asagao was shoved out of the way and Ino stood there, acting all innocent. She was dancing on her heels and had her hands behind her back, a blush on her cheeks.

"Hi, Sasuke-kun. Did you come to visit me?" She asked. Sasuke rolled his eyes and responded.

"No, I'm here for Asagao, he left something at the shrine earlier today" Ino turned to Asagao, who was standing of to the side, looking like a puppy. She glared at him and ran away, a pout on her face and tears gathering up in the corner of her eyes. She quickly ran to get her parents, leaving Sasuke and Asagao alone.

"Here, I know it's important to you, so I decided to bring it to you personally" Asagao smiled brightly at Sasuke, who held out the small pouch containing Asagao's family photo.

"Thank you so much!" Asagao practically yelled out and pulled Sasuke into a hug. Sasuke flailed around a little, but then sighed and hugged Asagao back.

"Uchiha-san, what a pleasant suprise. Would you like to join us for dinner?" It's seems like Mrs Yamanaka loves to bother and annoy both Sasuke and Asagao, you can guess who Ino got it from.

Sasuke hnned and left immediately. Asagao gave a gently bye wave and closed the door, which was followed by a slap to the back of the head. Ino stood behind her mother, sticking her tongue out to Asagao, who was being roughly scolded.

"You're ruining the chance of Sasuke falling for your sister! Accept that not everybody likes you and wants to be around you! You can't force people to visit you by 'accidently' forgetting that picture of your dead parents. Now go to your room and think about everything you did wrong and write it down!" Ino was giggling at Asagao's misfortune.

"My first mistake was taking your husbands hand and the second one was convincing you that I actually wanted to be part of this stupid clan" With that Asagao once again left the woman speechless and Ino in shock.

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