Chapter 5: The Truth

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"Off you go and be sure to return when you have manners" Mrs Yamanaka said, her smile reaching her ears. Ino was also smiling innocently and Inoichi was a bit bitter. He never expected this to happen.

Asagao left not looking back or even saying anything. Mrs Yamanaka gritted her teeth at his actions and Ino huffed at him.

It was already dusk and people were retreating into their homes, while Asagao made his way to the village gates, where the Hokage and his guide were waiting.

The Hokage's wrinkly face had a smile on it as he greeted Asagao with a pat on the head. The other man however was frowning and looked unimpressed.

"It's a shame the Yamanaka pulled you out of the academy, but my friend, Bang, here will train you" The Hokage said introducing the even older man beside him.

Asagao greeted the man with a bow and a smile. The man hummed and bowed a little in return. Then they set off towards the temple.

"You seem regretful of your decision" This was the first thing Bang had said to Asagao, he wasn't looking at Asagao and was walking at a slow pace.

"It wasn't my decision" Asagao said quietly, but Bang still heard him and hummed. It was night by the time they arrived at the temple, which was neatly lit up by lanters and torches.

"Welcome to our temple, Asagao-san" A priest had come out to greet the two males. Bang greeted the priest with a wave and Asagao greeted him with a bow.

"Show Asagao to his room, tomorrow his training will begin" Asagao was led away by the priest until they reached a small house like building and that's were the priest left Asagao, after bidding him a good night.

"Show Asagao to his room, tomorrow his training will begin" Asagao was led away by the priest until they reached a small house like building and that's were the priest left Asagao, after bidding him a good night

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"Home, sweet home" Asagao sighed and put his bag down, changing into his pajamas and layed down in bed.

He thought everything that had occured in the past two days. He went to the academy made two new friends, got Ino extremely jealous somehow and argued about it with his 'mother', who started accusing him of everything and whatnot. His 'mother' then slapped him and told him that they were going to disown him, pull him out of the academy and send him away.

Guess that actually happened. Asagao thought about it for a little longer and then slowly fell asleep, unaware of the changes going back on at home.

Morning came faster than expected and Asagao was woken up by the loud ringing of the temple bell and knocks on his door.

"You either get out of that bed yourself or this bucket of ice water will" Bang's voice made him shoot out of bed and quickly change into the clothing he had laid out.

He opened the door and Bang was in fact standing a few feet away from with an actually bucket full of water and ice.

"Great, you're up. Training starts in five minutes, these are your new clothes and meet me at the courtyard" Bang shoved clothing in Asagao's direction and left.

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