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//Note: I currently cannot post anymore, so I will give you as much as I wrote.  Thanks for understanding.  Plus, I wrote these a while ago when I was not good at writing.\\

((Book and titles inspired by: KanaNeverSleeps))
(Date: March 18th 2004)


















[Suguro POV]

It's nearly twelve at night.. I've been waiting in the hospital for a while now.

My wife has been pregnant with our precious little girl for 9 months. Her water broke just after 10 AM.


Uchimura is in her hospital bed, and I had to call off work today, which is a big deal. I'm the current Mayor of Musutafu, and I couldn't miss my daughter's birth for the world.

The rain pittered and pattered on the glass windows of the hospital and the world was quiet. I sat in patience. They told me to stay out of the room in case my daughter was an early bloomer with her quirk, and serious damage could be made.



I sat in silence and waited for the nurses and doctors to let me in before my daughter was born, so I could help Uchimura.









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