🐦Taking Flight🐦

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The rain stopped shortly after, and I let Izuku go home. I know that boy wants to help, but he can't and never will. It's been five years since that night he held me close in my damaged room.

Talu has me tangled in her strings while dad's wrapped around her finger. I'm alone. It's all my fault.

What do I do? I'm a child who has a potentially dangerous quirk that I'm not in control of. I don't know how to defend myself without hurting myself or anyone else.

This room. It's ripped and destroyed. What would dad say if he saw what I had done out of anger? He'd lock me up until my temper was straightened, that's for sure. Especially if Talu told him to.

My dad is a great dad. But, I know he'd fear his own daughter if she was capable of murder. Which really, I am.

I've gotten more mature over the time. I'm eleven now. Still waiting for my dad to see me once again. I've had three birthdays, three Christmases, three Halloweens, and such. All of them I was alone. I haven't seen Izuku since.

He gave me a present two birthdays and Christmases ago. They were both All Might themed, which I thought was cute.

But, since then, I've been inside my house. Haven't once tried to walk out and enjoy the sun. It's summer currently. Bakugo has gotten stronger with his quirk. I sometimes watch outside to see if anyone would notice me.

Bakugo beat up Izuku one time. I couldn't go help him though. Talu had kept me sealed up that week, and she even boarded my window. I only knew because I managed to loosen one. The others are right as bricks and cement. Wonder how she did that.

I've not seen dad in ages. His job has gotten stiffer. Well, of course it has. He knows I can take care of myself, so he didn't have to shorten shifts or whatever. He's the mayor after all. Wouldn't want to get in the way of such an important task.

I started at my ceiling this morning. I refused to leave my bed. My wings ached, my horns grew two inches, and I had lost almost all of my baby teeth. I schooled myself out of boredom, too. I watched videos on every subject and studied my tail off. Which by the way, that thing found its appropriate shape and stayed that way. It's smaller now and much more comfortable.

"Ugh," I groaned. The pain in my wings hurt. "Someone please save me from this hell." I stood and glanced at my clock. It read two in the morning. I groaned once more.

I took a quick look out of my door to make sure Talu wasn't awake. Apparently she had left to get to an interview, so I was clear.

I often starved myself for a day or two, then ate very little when I was too hungry. Some weeks I feared starvation, so I stocked up a while mini-fridge worths of food, and brought it to my cave.

My only friend has been my pillow and my old stuffed animals. Sure enough I missed Izuku, but he hasn't tried once to come see me. Not that I know of.

I ran down the flight of stairs and made it to the kitchen. I stocked up my next week's worth and headed back up. "Okamura."

I turned around quickly. °Frick!° I thought. "What are you doing up so early, dear? And out of your room for once?" The speech came from Mika's voice. I sighed in relief.

"I just... Needed some food and water. Why are you awake?"

She came up the stairs to meet me halfway. "I helped Talu get prepared," she smiled. I rolled my eyes. "That lady can help herself, you know," I murmured.

"Oka. She's got work to do-"

"Yeah, but she's always too busy buying fancy expensive bags and treating me like her little slave," I scowled. "Can't she just do something herself? You know....... like an adult?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2021 ⏰

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