×ו°Gross Dolly Talu°•××

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//  I apologize if it seems like I copied a bit of KanaNeverSleeps 's ideas or something, but these ideas sorta came to mind after reading Kana-chan's work.  I love the book Kana made, but I didn't try copying anything.  Some of the things like mom dying and tragic rain scene is in both (which, KanaNeverSleeps did WAY better by default) but I didn't copy anything.  Full credit to Kana Chan though.  Better book AND insp xD \\

I woke up this morning lying on the floor next to Squiddy and Blue Bug. I must've fallen asleep while talking to them.

Knock knock.

"Can I come in?" Daddy asked, poking his head in the door.

I sat up and nodded.

Daddy came in and sat next to me. He looked sad.

"Is everything okay? I've always introduced you to my close friends and you loved them," dad said.

I frowned. "I don't like Dolly Talu. She won't love me."

Dad raised an eyebrow. Then he frowned.

"Why don't you think Talu will love you?"

I picked up Blue Bug. "Will she play stuffies with me? No," I said, giving dad the stuffy. I picked up my pirates from my board game, "Will she help my ship earn all the booty in the seven seas? No."

I gave him all the pirates. I turned away from him. "I don't need a new mom. All our maids took care of me and played. That's enough for me. You can have a new 'Peach Pie'. Dolly Talu is yours. Not mine," I huffed, getting up to go eat breakfast.

I turned around to face daddy. "I know you want me to love that pretty lady. But I don't want to."

After leaving the room, I thought hard about that Dolly Talu. Maybe I should try to be friends with her, I thought. I entered the dining room and Dolly Talu was eating french toast.

I pouted at the sight of her. There was a sudden tap on my shoulder. Maid Mika.

"Mika!!" I shouted then hugged her.

Maid Mika can be my mom! She's sweet, and loves playing games with me.

"Hi Okamura!! Wanna play Dance Forever later?" Mika asked me.

I nodded my head. Mika is an amazing maid. I love her!

Maid Nana served me my egg pancakes, and I walked over to the couch.

"Everything okay, Oka? You always eat at your mini throne," Maid Nana said, tilting her head. She got me a little dining throne for my birthday a year ago. I always sit in it. Today is different, though.

"I don't wanna sit there today. I'm not in the mood."

She raised her eyebrow.

I looked over my shoulder and saw Dolly Talu.

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