Chapter 12 : Reaching to Heaven

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[ Darkness's POV ]

"Ka.... Kazuma.."

My hand attempts to reach out for his lifeless body, floating onto the ocean.

Darkzuma's body was sinking..

"What just happened?"

Megumin's eyes were wide open, laying her gaze on the 2 corpses.

"You 3 girls are next."

"Defense! Strength! Blessing!"

Aqua quickly buffed us in order to save us.

"A-Aqua, resurrect Kazuma and Darkzuma, please!"

"It takes a while to heal their wounds! Kazuma's head is sinking inside the ocean right now. Our top priority is to carry on Kazuma's will and survive!"

My sword was suddenly gone.

I looked at Darkzuma's body and saw a sword stabbing him in the chest.

No way... I couldn't see it.. we all couldn't see it.

"Kazuma is not going to come back if we don't retrieve his head and his body! Let's find his head!"

Why am I crying? This isn't the time to be crying!

"You idiot! We will all die if we made Kazuma's body our top priority! Brace yourselves! I'm going full speed!"

Aqua grabbed both me and Megumin and traveled at an astonishing rate to exit the ocean and out of the rain.

"Jesus, how big is this rain?"

The President was still catching up to us.

"K-Kazuma is going to really die if we don't retrieve his body though! Let me go, Aqua! I need to find Kazuma!"

"Kazuma is long gone! So is Darkzuma!"

Why did those 2 sentences stop my actions?


We were finally out of the ocean and was on a small beach.

"Finally, we are out of the rain. As I said, prepare to be attacked by anywhere. It can be in the middle of us as well."

Something is definitely up with Aqua.

"I..I see him! He's coming!"

This isn't good. Megumin and Aqua are useless when it comes to close-combat.

I don't have my sword, even though I'm still useless with it. Maybe I should use my fist to murder this guy.

The President suddenly appeared in front of me, kicking me away from Aqua and Megumin.

They called out for my name and braced to be killed.

Instead, the President slowly walks towards me while I was recovering from the kick. A simple kick made me feel this much pain.

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