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We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars


I awoke at the sound of an argument. I sighed as I shuffled out of my sleeping bag and crawled out of my tent.

In the distance, by the fire pit that was put out last night, I saw Darryl and Clay arguing.


I walked over to Vincent, who was a ways away from them, close enough to hear the argument though.

"Bad, I'm sorry, okay!?" Clay exclaimed. "I went a little overboard, so what!?"

"A little overboard!?" Darryl shot back. "You dared me to give my best friend a hickey, for goodness sake!"

I subconsciously moved my hand to cover the bruise. Darryl placed it in a spot that isn't noticeable if you have a hood up, thankfully.

"Yeah, but you didn't have to go through with it!" Clay retorted. "You could've taken off your shirt or something!"

"Yes Clay, because I'm gonna feel more comfortable with my shirt off than showing my face to all of you," Darryl replied sarcastically, which kinda took me off guard, I will admit.

"What's wrong with a fucking hickey!?"

"First of all, language!" Darry sighed. "Secondly, I knew how uncomfortable Zak was in my lap, and I doubt that.....didn't help."

I hugged myself. I wasn't cold, I just....I can't describe it.

He wasn't wrong. I didn't feel comfortable with the sudden contact that Vincent and Clay forced on us.

But, I also miss his embrace. He's like a human teddy bear, in a way. He's warm and cuddly and I just feel secure with him around.

Don't tell him I said that.

"You know what!?" Darryls outburst pulled me out of my daydreaming. "I'm leaving! Tell Zak that I'm going home."

I immediately ran after him as he stomped to his car.

"Bad, wait!" I finally said, grabbing his wrist as I caught up to him, stopping him in his tracks. "Don't go."

He looked at me, pity in his eyes. "Zak, let go of me."

"I don't know what I'll do if you leave." I cried. "You're the only one making this trip bearable."

He smiled sadly, gently tugging against my death grip on his wrist. "Zak, please let go."

"Only if you stay."

After a moment, he nodded. "Fine, I'll stay. But only for you."

I grinned as I let go of his wrist. "Good."

403 words

Really short compared to last chapter, but lots of fluff is coming next chapter! I hope I can describe the scene well!

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