Ch. 4

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"Okay..Here is...the hell I call school."
You make a funny pose in the entrance and walk up to the doors.
Adora walks infront of you.
She opens the door.
"After you!"
She smiles, and you smile back.
"Thanks Adora, common guys."
You grab Catra and Glimmers hands leading them in.
Bow just laughs and follows us along with Adora.
"Oh so this is School."
Catra looks around.
"This place does suck you were right (y/n)."
Catra laughs and pulls her hand away from yours when she realised you two were holding eachothers hands.
"Yep, welcome to my hell on Earth."
You sigh.
Glimmers grip on your hand tightens.
"Dont worry, we are here."
You nod.

---At Lunch---
"I am surprised they let you guys stay Haha....I mean you are not exactly students, mothers, or sub teachers."
"Well I am glad we didnt bring Entrapta though. She would tear apart that lab."
Catra crossed her arms and looked around the room.
You nod.
"I know but I will bring her here befor you guys get going."
You smile.
"Hey little whore..Who are your weird friends?"
You sigh.
"Back off I dont need your shit today (Bully/N).."
You rolled your eyes.
She walks over to Adora who you could see was fuming.
"This ones cute. I bet one of my friends would love to be your date."
She winks at her.
'Please not She Ra please not She Ra.'
You thought to yourself.
"For the honor of Greyskull!"
"Hi, my name is She Ra, and I would rather not get to fucking know you."
She smiled and pushed her to the ground walking out into the hall way.
You followed after her.
"Adora wait, what's wrong?"
You grabbed her arm.
"Is this what you deal with here? Is there nothing that can be done about it? This is horrible."
You nod and sigh.
"Its a part of life for me so I got used to it."
You could see blush forming on her cheeks and you enertwine your fingers together.
"I know we just met and all but I have gotten to know you through the TV show I watch and I feel like I have known you forever."
You whisper and smile.
She laughs a little.
And turns her head.
"Hey (y/n), is that information for your prom next week?"
You look over where she was looking.
"Oh..Yeah it's a flier for my prom..Not much information was given to us besides "Victorian Era" Theme."
Lilly shrugged and looked back at Adora.
"I'll be your date."
She said.
You blush madly and shake your head.
"No really..You have done so much already I have to get you guys back into space befor---"
She cut you off.
"We will all go with you. But I will be your date."
She said more stirn this time.
You just nod and blush out of your mind.
"Y-Yes. B-But as She Ra would not be such a good Idea..I-I dont know how well they even took you transforming here.."
Adora smirked.
"I'll go as She Ra and you can dress me up as a Vict...Vic.."
You giggle.
"Victorian...Okay Adora...Um..If you insist.."
She nods and starts leading us back to the lunch room.
"Thank you."

Lovely Curse (Adora×(y/n)×Catra) Where stories live. Discover now