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It had been a week of quarantine. All college courses had been moved online, and residents of Toronto were being encouraged to stay at home and with groups of no more than five people. Piper and Amy had all but moved in with Finn, Henry, and Kingston in their rental house that the three boys paid for together (mostly from the earnings of Kingston's YouTube channel and a little help from their parents).

In seven days, the five of them had binged Tiger King and the entire new season of Dancemania. Kingston and the boys had been working on several dance videos and vlogs for his YouTube channel. Amy had gone viral on TikTok once, and Piper had reluctantly agreed to appear in a few of her best friend's TikToks as well. Their online courses would resume the next week, and by now, Piper was itching for something new to do.

The newest form of entertainment this evening was the mobile game Heads Up, which the five of them collectively hadn't played in years until Henry had discovered he still had it downloaded on his phone.

"No, I don't know that one. Skip it."

Henry skipped the fifth animal in a row per Kingston's request. "What is that?" Finn asked, holding his hands out as his brows knit together at the apparent animal wombat.

"Skip it!" Kingston shouted out.

"How do you not know any of these?" Henry snapped, jumping up and throwing his free hand out exasperatedly.

"What the hell is a wombat?" Finn responded defensively.

"It's an animal in Australia," Amy piped up from where she was sitting on the loveseat with Piper and scrolling through Instagram on her phone.

"Why didn't you say that?" Henry asked, throwing a frantic look to his girlfriend. He had yet to score any points this round because Finn and Kingston had confidently overestimated their knowledge of animals.

Amy smiled and dropped her phone in her lap, turning her full attention to him. "I wasn't paying attention," she said sweetly. Piper glanced up from her own phone and smiled in amusement.

The end of the round flashed on Henry's phone, and Kingston took a deep breath, pursing his lips. "Ooh, that's it for you bro."

Henry glared at him and lowered his phone, slowly shaking his head at his two roommates. "I've never been more disappointed in you two."

"How was I supposed to know what a buzzard is?" Finn asked.

"A buzzard was one of them?" Henry asked, his eyes widening in disbelief. "Dude, come on!"

"What?! I've literally never heard of that!"

Piper giggled to herself at their banter as Amy stretched her arms over her head and let out a loud yawn. Her actions caused Kingston to glance at the clock hanging on the wall, and he followed Amy's lead in stretching. "Dang, you guys, it's already midnight."

"It's only midnight?" Henry groaned, tossing his phone aside and sliding off of the ottoman he was sitting on to sprawl out on the floor.

"I think I'm going to turn in for the night," Amy announced as she pulled herself up.

Piper threw her legs off the couch, twisting to stand as well. "Yeah, me too."

"Kay, goodnight," Kingston said, slumping back on the couch and turning his attention to his phone. Henry told Amy he'd be there soon as she turned to walk down the hall.

"Wait, Pipes, I'm coming too," Finn called out.

She turned to him and grabbed his hands, pulling his large body off of the couch. He grinned at her, his hands going to squeeze her shoulders lovingly, and they turned to head to his room. "Goodnight, lovebirds," Henry called after them in a singsong voice.

oh my god, they were quarantinedWhere stories live. Discover now