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It had been nearly two months of quarantine, and there was no end in sight for the city of Toronto. Finals week was upon all of the college students, and tensions had been running high as they all tried to finish what had become the most stressful semester of their lives. Piper and Amy had both finished their dance courses early in the week, but the boys' exams carried through to the end of finals week.

That Wednesday afternoon found Finn sitting at the dining table, studying for his last exam, which was, of course, for his most difficult class. Piper had just finished cleaning up dishes leftover from lunch, and she leaned against the kitchen counter, scrolling through Instagram on her phone. When she hit all of the posts she had already seen thirty minutes ago when she had last scrolled through her feed, she sighed and looked up, scanning the living room. Henry was studying for his last final exam on the couch, his feet resting in Amy's lap while she played Candy Crush on her phone. Finn was slouching at the table, looking like he was trying hard to fight off a nap while staring down at the textbook in front of him.

Piper pursed her lips, observing her boyfriend for a moment. She knew he was feeling stressed, especially since the science class he was studying for was just a prerequisite that wasn't relevant to his major but that he still needed to graduate. She tapped her fingers against the counter thoughtfully for a moment then turned to rummage through the cabinets. She quickly located the box of Finn's tea packets and carried it into the other room.

"What temperature do you steep this on?" she asked Finn, holding the box up for him to see.

He barely glanced up at it before telling her, "175*."

She nodded then moved back into the kitchen to put on water, leaving Finn to focus on his studying. He needed minimal distractions, or he would never get anything done as she had learned over two years of dating.

When the water was the right temperature, Piper put in the teabag and resumed scrolling through her social media while she waited for it to be ready. It was still strange to her that thousands of people had liked her enough on Dancemania to follow her on Instagram. It was a lot of pressure to have that many people seeing her posts, but she tried not to think about it too much.

Several minutes later, the tea was done, and Piper poured it into Finn's favorite mug. She made sure to add in the right amount of sweetener, which admittedly wasn't much, then carried it into the other room. His gaze was fixated on his textbook, so he didn't immediately notice when she reached around him to set the mug next to his laptop. He only looked up when her arms momentarily wrapped around his chest and she placed a quick peck on his cheek. That was when he noticed the mug of tea, and a soft smile crossed his lips.

"Thanks, Pipes," he muttered.

She hummed in response, running a hand over his curls as she stood back up and joined Amy and Henry in the sitting area. She didn't say anything so as not to disturb Henry, but she and Amy shared a look and Amy held up a peace sign to acknowledge her presence. Piper simply smiled at her and reached for Finn's headphones, which he'd left lying on the coffee table.

She spent the next two hours sprawled out on the loveseat, rewatching Parks and Rec on Netflix. Finally, Finn seemed to have enough of studying and left his spot at the table to join her on the couch. "I'm ready to be done with this shit," he groaned to no one in particular as he stifled a yawn.

"You're almost there," Amy replied without looking up from her phone.

"Shh, shh, shh, I've got like three questions left on this study guide, and then I'm done," Henry snapped, typing furiously on his laptop.

"And then you have to actually study it," Amy pointed out, to which Henry rolled his eyes and sighed.

"It never ends," he grumbled to himself, and Amy gave him a soft smile before returning to swiping candies on her phone.

Meanwhile, Finn had practically flopped down on top of his girlfriend on the loveseat, his feet dangling over the arm of it. Piper automatically shifted to allow more room for him on the tiny couch as well as to avoid being completely crushed by his weight. He wrapped his arms around her, his head falling on her shoulder as he glanced at her phone to see what she was watching.

"Parks and Rec again?"

"I'm only in season 3," she retorted. She took one of her headphones and offered it to him, and he slipped it in his left ear.

"You should watch Community," he mumbled against her chest.

Piper had wrapped an arm around his back, her hand going to rest in his mess of curls as she asked, "Would I like it?"

"Yeah, it's funny."

Finn's standards of humor were significantly lower than Piper's, so that argument often didn't mean much to her. However, she was in need of a new show to watch, so perhaps she would give Finn's favorite show a chance.

When the episode they were currently watching ended, it dawned on her that she really needed to get up. One glance to the side, however, revealed that Finn was sound asleep. Piper looked to Amy for help and mouthed, "I really need to pee."

Amy shot a glance at Piper's sleeping boyfriend and smirked. She typed a message out on her phone, and a second later, Piper's phone lit up with a new text.

A: I think you're stuck 😂

Piper rolled her eyes, but there was a soft smile on her lips regardless. Her phone dinged with another text from Amy. This time, it was a picture of Finn asleep on Piper while she was smiling at her phone, and Piper immediately saved it to her camera roll. She glanced at her boyfriend again and pressed a soft kiss on his forehead. He was lucky he was cute.


Note: Sorry this one is so short. I just had the idea of Piper making Finn tea, and this was the result! Thanks for reading, and let me know if you liked it. :)

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