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Piper was convinced that she didn't like facial hair. Several of the men in her family had it, and it just reminded her of them. Uncle Enzo's beard regularly grew too long, and James' never grew enough. She didn't think it was attractive and had told Finn as much early in their dating relationship. He typically shaved often as a result.

But then finals week came around, and they were all quarantined together and trying to study for classes that they'd spent half of the semester essentially teaching themselves. To say it had been a stressful week would be an understatement. Finn had been so busy studying for his exams that shaving hadn't even crossed his mind, and because his hair grew so rapidly, by the end of the week, he was starting to sport the beginnings of a beard.

And no one was more surprised than Piper when she didn't actually hate the look of it.

Beards had never been attractive on any other man, but on Finn, well... Maybe that was a look she could get behind after all.

They had spent the last evening of the semester celebrating the end of exams for everyone. Piper went to bed before Finn that night, but she was still scrolling through her social media when he finally decided to call it a night. Having changed into his pajama bottoms in the bathroom, Finn let out a loud yawn as he kicked his bedroom door shut behind him and pulled his shirt over his head, tossing it over the laundry hamper in the corner of his room.

He flopped onto the bed and immediately pulled Piper into him, wrapping his arms around her and resting his head on top of hers contently. Piper made a sound of contentment and tossed her phone aside, resting one of her hands on top of his and using the other to caress his arm gently. As she did, he told her, "We should just stay in bed all day tomorrow."

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah," he murmured, placing a kiss on top of her head. "I need a break from everyone else."

"Really?" Piper asked, raising her eyebrows in surprise. Finn thrived around people. She never thought she'd hear him express such a sentiment.

"Too much time together," he mumbled into her hair.

"We've spent just as much time together."

"But you're you," he said as if that should have been obvious.

She hummed and squeezed his hand with hers. "I'm supposed to go see Jules tomorrow," she told him, referring to the plans she had made with her older sister earlier that afternoon.

"Oof, you're risking it?"

"Yes. She's going crazy in her apartment. We're going to a park. I figure that should be safe enough."

Finn hummed in response. "I have stuff to do tomorrow anyway."

"What stuff?"


She rolled her eyes at him, and he chuckled at himself before saying, "Nah, I'm gonna talk to my mom. And I really need to shave."

Piper took a deep breath. This was her opportunity to say something. She rolled over to face him, and he looked down at her, his eyes tired from the all-nighter he'd pulled studying the night before. "Actually," she started, trying to sound as casual as possible. "You could... keep the beard."

His eyebrows shot up in surprise. "But you said you don't like facial hair."

"Maybe I never gave it a fair chance?"

A slow smile was spreading across his lips. "Are you saying you like it?"

"Maybe," she muttered, gently caressing his jaw as she spoke. She reluctantly admitted, "It's kind of hot," while pointedly avoiding his gaze.

He was grinning now, his thumbs rubbing circles on her lower back. "Well, in that case, maybe I'll keep it a while." She rolled her eyes, knowing that all this conversation was doing was boosting his ego. "Seriously though, it's a pain in the ass to shave every other day."

"Do you really have to shave that often?" she asked in surprise, and he nodded. She'd never noticed that when she'd been so adamant that he stay clean-shaven.

Smiling, she pressed her lips against his, burying her fingers in his hair as he immediately deepened the kiss. His facial hair tickled as she kissed him, and she couldn't help thinking that she'd been a fool for ever telling him not to grow it out.

She would never make that mistake again.


Note: This was fully inspired by that photoshoot Liam posted on his Instagram a couple of months ago, so shoutout to Liam Mackie for enabling my headcanon of Finn with facial hair and inspiring this oneshot. Sorry it's so short. The next one will be longer, I promise! Thank you for reading! :)

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