Chapter 5 - Mattsun and Makki

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Seijoh High School

When you heard Iwazumi's description of Matsukawa and Hanamaki, you thought he was  deliberately being rude. The thing is, what he was saying described the two perfectly.

Eyebrows and a macaroon...

Iwazumi has lead you and Oikawa to one of the far corners of the roof, waiting for the three of you were two people. One of which had dark brown hair and sleepy eyes, but you didn't focus on any other feature besides his eyebrows, which were really thick. The other had short hair. Short pink hair. Like a macaroon. Didn't it violate the school regulations to dye your hair? Well to be fair, the pink was dull, so it might've been natural, who knows. Eyebrows has already opened his bento while Macaroon has a white paper bag in front of him, filled to the brim with nothing but cream puffs.

Iwazumi waved, walking up to the two. "Hey Mattsun, Makki."

Eyebrows let out a burp and nodded his head in acknowledgment. "Yo, Iwazumi. Who's that?"

"I'm l/n y/n, nice to meet you!" You smiled, waving.

"I'm Matsukawa Issei and over here is Hanamaki Takihiro-" Eyebrows, whose name is Matsukawa, looked at the latter, whose face was currently getting drowned in cream puffs.

Hanamaki swallowed the pastries, glancing behind you. "What's going on with Oikawa?"

You follow his gaze and realize you're still holding Oikawa by his collar from when you dragged him down the hallways.

You shrug. "Just taking out the trash."

"Y/n-chan!" Oikawa whines, pouting as Matsukawa and Hanamaki laugh.

"I like this guy." Matsukawa says, smirking.

The five of you continue to chat, talking about video games and memes. You learn a couple of interesting things, including the fact that Matsukawa had a secret shrine dedicated to a raccoon hidden somewhere in school. You also learn that Hanamaki is obsessed with cream puffs.

When lunch ended both Mattsun and Makki now call by your first name, and say they look forward to seeing you at practice.

"Ah~ I'm excited!" You say, stretching your arms behind your head as you head to your next class.

Iwazumi regards you curiously, "What for?" Oikawa had been caught up with his fan club on the roof, so the two of you decided to abandon him and are now walking down the stairs.

"Well I haven't played in a team for so long, and everyone seems so interesting." Smiling, you continue skipping down the stairs. "I wonder if I've gotten worse, I haven't had gotten a chance to properly train yet!"

"You'll be fine, also quit skipping down the stairs, you'll fall."

You only hum in response, though slowing down your pace so Iwazumi doesn't keep nagging you. "It has been a year since I've last played, so it won't be a surprise if I can't even receive a ball."

"You've always been quick to adapt and overcome. Oikawa and I have been friends with you for years, trust be when I day you'll be able to make it to the starting line up, without a doubt."

You turn your head, smiling. Iwazumi has always supported you, and you're grateful for his blunt words of encouragement.

"I know I know, I'm great so I have nothing to worry about."

"Ugh, Oikawa's starting to rub off on you."

"Don't insult me like that!"


Right as the last bell rang you were already out your seat, heading to the bathrooms.

It was a hassle to try changing into your gym clothes in one of the bathroom stalls, you normally change quickly, especially with volleyball practice, but today you were just getting used to the uniform. On top of that, you have to wear the binder. Though you're glad that the binder was able to hide your chest.

You open the gym doors to see a few other boys and two coaches. You see Oikawa's fan girls leaning over the railings on the second floor.

The coaches' attention turned to you, "Are you here for the tryouts?" the one with black hair asked.

"Yes! Am I late?"

"Don't worry about it, we just started."

You nod at the coaches and look to the other side of the room where people were measuring first year's height and verticals.

Besides you, there were three other first years that stood out. One was Yahaba, whom you exchanged greetings with, another has stubby black hair and what looks to be a mass of eyeliner under his eyes, either that or natural eye bags, and another man who was shorter and had a shaved head.

Yahaba just finished with his vertical and was showing his tossing to the team, since he was trying out as a setter after all. Eyeliner-kun jumped to measure his vertical, but with so much force it seemed like he would break the measurement wall instead. Shaved-head-kun was trying out for Libero and was currently receiving some balls as a third year served.

"What position do you want to try out?" You turned and saw a man with curly brown hair, probably a third year, walk up to you.

"I'm a middle blocker."

He nodded. "Okay, I'm going to serve some balls and you try to receive them, then we'll measure your height and vertical. Lastly, you can show us your serve."

You were a bit deflated, during junior high, you were known for your blocks and attacks in which you could change the trajectory mid-air, you were known for your unpredictable playing style. But with the way tryouts was designed, you were only average in everything else. Although you could jump above average, you wanted to stand out more.

Well at least you can show off your serve.

Because through the months playing volleyball was banned, you had analyzed Oikawa's playing style.

So now you're finally able to try the monstrous serve for yourself.

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