<◊> Chapter 15 <◊>

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<◊>Esmee's P.O.V<◊>

I reach the square and see everyone panicking as a strange demon-like beast run rampage as all Barret and the others battling some strange dragon. As I continue to look around, I spot Cloud talking to Tifa, Denzel, and Lazul. As I run towards them, one of those strange beasts is about to attack Cloud from behind. "Look out!" I said as I activated the Arroo heads power. It turned my bow staff into a bow and the Arroo head into an arrow. I aim for the beast and shot, killing it instantly before it could touch them. "Are you guys okay?" I ask as I run to their side. "Esmee," said a familiar voice. Suddenly a somewhat small body crashes into me. I look down and see Denzel. "Denzel, you're alright. They didn't hurt you did they?" I said happy and worried as I gently hold his shoulder. "I'm alright, they didn't hurt me," Denzel said with a smile. "Thank the gods," I said as I pull him into a hug, relieved that he's alright, which he happily returned. I let him go as the others come and join us. "Esmee I thought I said-" Lazul said but I cut him off. "Yeah, yeah you told me to stay out of this because of my powers. But I didn't use my powers, I used these." I said as I dig into my pouch and pulled out my Arroo heads. "Oh right, I forgot you brought those from home," Lazul said, feeling a little dumb. "What are these?" Cloud asks. "Arroo heads, they are enchanted weapons that work with my bow staff, and they don't require any magic from me," I explained. "Wow," Said Tifa amazed by my enchanted weapon. "So now I can fight and not have to worry about my powers affecting me during the battle," I said in a somewhat teasing voice as I look at Cloud and Lazul and playful stick my tongue at them. "I'm going to go back to Marlene okay Cloud. We'll see you there, won't we Cloud?" Denzel said and Cloud nodded his head. "Well, I guess you're in the fight," Cloud said admitting defeat. "Just don't get yourself killed, okay?" Cloud said jokingly as he and Tifa mount his bike. "Wouldn't dream of it," I said giving him a cheesy smile as I mount Lazul. Then the four of us rush to join the others.


<◊>Bahamut Battle<◊>

As we come onto the scene, I noticed how big the creature is and how big of a problem it's causing to our friends. Just as we prepare to join the battle; I spot Barrett battling a few of those strange demon beasts, unaware of one charging him from behind. I jump off of Lazul's back and draw one of my Arroos and fire at the beasts, surprising Barrett. "Watch your back big guy." I said as I land on one of the bars that are just above his head. "Hey Esmee, Lazul glad you guys could join in the fun." He said happily to see us again. "Of course, I wouldn't want to miss out on all the fun." I said as Lazul transforms into his true form and stands on my shoulder. "Even though I told her not to fight, she wouldn't listen." Lazul said with an annoyed sigh. "Haha, so she's stubborn. That's good; we're all just as stubborn." Barrett said with a big chuckle. "Now; let's beat this fool." He said as his fist suddenly transforms into a cool looking gun. "Right," I said as I jump off the bar as Lazul transforms back to his tiger form and we climb up a few stories and wait for an opening to attack. On the way there I got another Arroos out of my pouch and readied to fire. When the creature finally comes into range; Lazul transforms into his phoenix form and pecks then claw at the beast. When Lazul leads the creature closer to me, I leap off the building and start shooting at the creature. I flew over its head and turn over so I could still be facing it and kept on shooting. Once I was close enough I landed on a pillar to grab more Arroos. As I prepare to reloaded, I hear a painful cry. I look up and see Lazul and Cid teaming up along with Red and Yuffie combining attacks in one strike. "Wow, way to go guys." I said with delight as I climb up a few more stories for a surprise attack on the creature. When it came in rage; I jump off the building and land on his head. I draw more Arroos and fire at its head and wings. The beast notices me and maneuver through the pillars and bars to try to knock me off. "Wow, he's not happy." I said as I try to keep my balance. " HANG ON ESMEE!" I hear Yuffie cry out to me. "I TRY." I yelled back. Suddenly I feel it getting ready for a spin. I quickly grab another Arroos and jab into the creature's skin, causing it to cry out in pain. As I start climbing back into its head; the creature suddenly begins to buck. Out of fear, I clutch onto my Arroos and close my eyes as I hold on for dear life. "I'M COMING ESMEE!" I hear Lazul cry out, but I couldn't tell where. Suddenly I feel the creature flying slightly faster. I open my eyes and see it heading toward one side of the building. It thrashed its body side to side, causing me to lose grip; sending me plummeting towards the ground. Just as I'm about to summon my wings; a pair of arms catch me. 'This is' I thought as a familiar cold hand gentle catch me as we come to a slow and gentle stop. "You okay Esmee?" Asked my savior. "Yes. Thank you, Vincent" she said breathlessly as he lets me go. "No problem." He said. "LOOK OUT!" Someone cries out. We look up and see the creature fire a blue blast towards us. I quickly grab Vincent's hand and we jump off the pillar, then I summon my wings and carry him away from the creature's blast. I spotted clearing and gently place Vincent on one of the pillars. As I land next to him; I see a surprising look on his face. "How did you-" he started but I cut him off. "I summoned my inner spirit." I explained. He nodded his head, understanding what I said. Then he jumps off the pillar and climbs up the building fires at the creature as he joins the others. "Esmee!" Said a voice from behind me. I turn around and see Lazul flying towards me and then perches next to my on the pillar. "Are you alright?" he asks as he leans his beak into my face. "Yes, thanks to Vincent." I said as I pet his beak. "Do you know what this creature is?" I ask as I summon all the Arroos I lost during the fight. "It's called a Bahamut. According to Yuffie; it is a dragon that can only be controlled by its summoner." Lazul explains. "I can't believe that man used my powers to summon that creature." I said annoyed and slightly agitated. "Where the hell have you've been?!" said a voice, surprising us. I looked over and down a few stories and I see Cloud staring at the creature, then I looked down a little more and see Barrett, giving Cloud an evil glare. I couldn't help but let a small laugh escape my lips. "Cloud has arrived." I told Lazul. We all watch as Cloud fights the creature, then suddenly it descends into the sky preparing for a final attack. We all climbed up the building, I'm able to climb the higher than the rest because of my wings. When I reached the top, I deactivated my wings and look down at everybody else as they helped Cloud stay in the air and also making him go higher up. "Up, up, and away!" Lazul said as he uses his talons to tosses Cloud up towards Tifa. Even though she's a little far below me, I managed to catch her saying. "No giving up!" Just as she let him go. I waited a minute before I leaped off and grabbed his hand. "Let's forgive our sins!" I said encouragingly as I look into his blue eyes. "We believe in you," I said as raise him above my head. "Thanks," Cloud said with a nod just as I let go of his hand. I started falling towards the ground, but I summoned my spirit and my wings grew, allowing me to float down towards the others. When I finally reached the bottom, Yuffie runs towards me. "Esmee, where did you get those wings?" she asks as she notices my wings. "I'll explain later." I said as I turned my attention back to Cloud and I saw that he already had the thing defeated! And it was already coming down towards the ground. It ended up destroying a part of the unfinished building before it disappeared into a blue cloud of dust or something like that. My attention didn't stay on the creature for long, an explosion goes off a couple of blocks away. Suddenly I feel a wave of energy wash over me, causing me to fall to my knees. "Esmee!?!" Lazul said as he and the others rush to my side. "Kadaj, he's over there." I said as I pointed towards the direction of the explosion. Then in a split second, we all hear the sound of an engine roaring. We all look down and see Cloud taking off in the direction of the explosion on his bike. "Always on the move?" Lazul said slightly annoyed by his actions. "We have to follow him." I said as Yuffie helps me to my feet. "Well then; It looks like it's time for a test run." Cid said as he scratches his nose. "Test run?" Lazul and I ask at the same time.

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