<◊> Chapter 17 <◊>

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<◊>Arthur's P.O.V <◊>

As the battle for the sake of the world wages on; Sephiroth's power growing stronger as the fight continues. While Esmee and the other powers are growing weak. They fight with everything they got, but it's not enough and they're forced to hide behind one of the broken rules of the building. "He's just too powerful," Cloud said as he tries to catch his breath. "There's gotta be something we can do, to stop him. Something we're not seeing." Vincent says as he empties his gun. During the fight; Esmee tries to use her powers and noticed that their not as strong, like something is sucking her magic. Then she realizes that that's why Sephiroth's power is increasing. "Guys; I know how to stop Sephiroth," Esmee said to Vincent, Cloud, and Lazul. "How?" Vincent asks as he reloads his gun. "He's drawing his power and strength from me; because Amethyst is part of me we have a connection. If I can sever that connection, I might be able to weaken him." Esmee explains. "You think you can do that?" Cloud asks as he looks at her. "Yes; I know of a spell that will do the trick," Esmee said. "You don't mean that spell; do you?" Lazul said worriedly. "We don't have a choice," Esmee said to him. "What, what is it?" Cloud asks. "The spell I'm talking about is very powerful and delicate. It requires a lot of concentration as I try to break Sephiroth's connection to my magic. But if I lose concentration; I could lose the connection to my powers." She said worriedly as she looks down at her hands. "No way Esmee; it's too risky," Lazul said as he walks towards Esmee and sits in front of her. "He's right Esmee; there' got to be another way," Cloud said to her. "What choice do we have? We have to stop him before he gets even stronger; I'm the only one who can do it." Esmee said reassuringly as she looks at Cloud, Lazul, and Vincent. "But-" Vincent said, but is cut off by a sudden burst of energy hitting the wall that is only a few feet away from them. "Come out; come out wherever you are," Sephiroth said sinisterly as he walks in the center of the area where Esmee and the others are hiding. "Stall him for as long as you can," Esmee said as she takes out Orla {Her Pearl} from her pouch. "Alright; we got you covered," Lazul said as he transforms back into his tiger form and jumps over their hiding spot and attacks Sephiroth. "Good luck Esmee," Cloud said as he looks at her for a moment and then joins Lazul in his battle. Esmee prepares to leave, but suddenly something gently holds her arm causing her to stop. She looks and sees Vincent's gauntlet holding her arm. She then looks up into his red eyes as he looks into her indigo eyes. He is silent for a moment until he spoke, "Be careful." He said in his stoic tone of voice. "Right," Esmee said as she looks at him confidently. Vincent returns the nod then locks and loads his gun, then joins the others in the fight. When Esmee sees that they have Sephiroth distracted, "Kothon" {Vanish} she chanted magic words and she turned invisible. She quietly walks past the battle to find a place to perform the spell.


<◊>Esmee's POV <◊>

After searching through many different rooms, I finally find one and take out my piece of chalk and begin drawing the image circle. After I finished drawing the circle, I placed my stones at different spots on the circle. I aligned them across from their opposites. Then I stand at the center. "Let it begin," I said as I take a deep breath and then kneel on the floor in a paying position. "Elements of eternity; heaven and earth. Balance of life and death." I said; resisting the spell as the mage circle begins to glow a radiant red and gold color. Then each of my stones begins to glow, their color. "Avaggdu luatha bairn off neafermore" As I continued the spell my stones begin levitate off the floor and float around me. Suddenly I feel the connection of Amethyst and then I continue the spell and repeat the words. 'Please let this work' I thought as I focus on cutting off the flow of magic.


<◊> Cloud's P.O.V <◊>

<◊>Back at the battle <◊>

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