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Mask: Nothing would frick you up as much as the realization that there's no real real the alphabet needs to be in order.



Stealth: Who is traitor joe and what did he do?


Aloha: I'm a mage, I mixed some herbs and crystals together and now my cat knows the f word


Army: Gentle reminder not to eat candy before bed

Skull: No

Army: This was a gentle reminder, yet your words of defiance brings me ungodly amounts of rage


Aloha: Shirts are crazy! Your body goes through one hole and out three!

Mask: Excuse me?


Army: No one told me this but apparently I'm now the mom of the group


Aloha: I haven't spoken to that person in over ten years. What they did was unforgivable.

Rider: You don't remember, do you?

Aloha: They know what they did


Glasses: Have you ever had your opinion of someone change so fast, you were disgusted you liked them ever at all?


Aloha: I crave the most innocent parts of a relationship. Like holding hands and forehead kisses and being able to tell someone how much I adore them.

Mask: And absolutely slaughtering them at Mario kart.

Goggles: Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on you again for taking advantage of my compassionate and forgiving nature! How dare you!


Mask: Welcome to Applebees, do you want apples or bees?

Army: Wha- bees?


Army: Wait-

Aloha: -approaching menacingly while shaking a jar of bees-

Army: waiT


Bobble: She's beautiful-

Glasses: Who?

Bobble: Girls~!

Army: That's gramatically wrong-

Bobble: Am I suppose to take advice from someone who can't spell grammatically correctly? You absolute coward. I will take your bones.


Aloha: If I ever say "I'm okay!" instead of "I'm good!" please know I'm emotionally devastated.


Glasses: You know what really gets my goat?

Goggles: El Chupacabra?


Designer Headphones: How the hell do I talk to people?

Luna Glasses: Stand in front of them and press A

Aloha: -pronounces "champagne" like "lasagne"-

Army: do not

Mask: *pronounces "lasagne" like "champagne"*

Army: dO NOT


Aloha: I can't believe the heterosexuals are gone! They're gone!

Army: We're still here

Bobble: Who said that?!

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