Chapter 1

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"Hey my sister got put in the shield with us." Roman said . "A girl in the shield?" Dean asked "Hey she's got in ring ability and I haven't seen her since I was ten." "She got taken away from us." A girl opened our door with blonde hair and she looked like the photo above. She was wearing a shirt of the shield and a beanie saying "Hounds of Justice . She ran into Romans arms and roman delivering a huge hug. "I missed you so much !" "Missed you too baby girl." She hugged Dean and me . "So we are the SHIELD." "Yep" "You better get dressed, Monday Night Raw is fifteen minutes away." She ran to the bathroom and got dressed her gear was a Shield armor just like us and black leggings then black converse. "What's your finisher?" I asked "a spear." Roman smiled at her after she said that. "But also a super kick before then I set up for the spear." We heard Hunter *triple h* on the show saying he wants all the superstars and divas out in the ring. We waited in till he said something that got us pissed off to go. "Oh wow the shield and there little girl are too scared to come". Our music played as the fans reaction were in a mix of boohs and cheers . Summer was the authority's new girl. We all surrounded the authority as the other superstars and divas left the ring. Roman got a mic "Keep taking bad stuff about us you did the same thing to Daniel Bryan and he beat your ass at mania didn't he?" Cheers erupted out of the crowd. Summer got a mic and said "who's this little diva did you get lost on the way home." Alyssa grabbed the mic and said "my my names Alyssa and if keep talking crap you'll be dancing your way to the ER ." The crowd erupted of cheers again and started chanting "Alyssa's Hot" "Alyssa's hot" Alyssa hot " as she smiled to the crowd triple h began punching Dean as randy and summer attacked roman but Seth hit randy and Alyssa grabbed summer and speared her Roman speared randy and Seth curb stomped triple h they lifted him up and powerbombed him
"What a great start to raw ." JBL said
I agree ." Jerry said

Stephanie grabbed a microphone and said you guys think your tough .
Seth and Dean vs The Ascension
And for a mixed tag team
Roman and Alyssa vs Summer and Randy
Randy got in a Irish wiped him. He close lined and and suplex him he pushed him against the ropes and power slamed him . He made a hot tag to me and summer came in I spine busted her she kicked me in the side of the head. She went to the top rope . I caught her and did a submission move when I held her head and bent her legs. I made her tap out. Randy was mad and hit an RKO on Roman. I was going to help him but I got out of the ring and jumped over the barricade and hugged fans. Roman came to the locker room and began yelling at me. "Your dumb. I was getting beat up and you just left" "he could RKO me." I said "whatever" "just saying I won the match for us." "If your gonna be such an ass. Don't talk to me I was happy to see you again and now this happens." I grabbed all of my clothes and my suitcases with my wrestling attire. And walked out. I went into Bries locker room. Because I've known her and Nicole since we were babies.

"Hey Girl." She said hugging me. She knew when I was sad . What happened ?
"Roman got all mad because I let randy RKO him." "We got into a huge fight and he called me dumb so I just walked out." "I can't find anywhere to sleep ." "Me and Nicole share a bed you can sleep at our hotel room ." Nicole walked in. I have seen Brie a bit ago . But I haven't seen Nicole in almost ten years and we were the best of friends . "Alyssa!" She screamed i ran to her and she hugged me . "So what happened?" "I got into a fight with roman." "Can I sleep at your hotel room?" "Sure." She said. "I'm going to go watch a movie at our hotel room with john want me to bring our bags?" "I'll help you bring them." "No it's fine, bye girls." Me and Brie both said bye. We turned the tv on and began watching the match between Seth and Dean versus the accession. The ascension lost by Dean missing the ascensions finisher Seth tagging in without the ascension knowing and hit a knee from the top rope. Dean knocked out Victor and Seth curb stomped Connor . I left their room and walked to the food court room. I ran into randy orton ."Hey, what's up." He said "why would I talk to you if you ended the brother and sister love in my family with roman." "I didn't mean to it was part of the storyline." Roman came by us "get the hell away from my sister." "Roman stop." "Why would I care about you Alyssa . Like you cared about me."
"Don't talk to her like that or I'll RKO you again ." Roman was about to punch him but I blocked it . He shoved me into the wall knocking me down. Randy got on top of him and began punching him roman was bleeding from his nose. Security broke them up . "Were not family anymore we may be related but just forget me ." Roman said to me.

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