Chapter 3 -- Town

807 32 5

27. August 2020


I really have to get used to the light that comes through the cottage's windows early in the morning. The city was mostly dark 'cause it's tall buildings, and this is completely new.

The fridge was empty, so I'll have to get something for breakfast later. But I still went to take a quick shower and brush my teeth. 

There were left few white towels and even soap for me to use. Everything was surprisingly clean, even the full body-length mirror that stood in front of the sink. It was a bit broken, few cracks here and there but nothing major.

A light brown toned girl was staring at me from the mirror. Round face, pointy nose, brown shaggy hair that always get's tangled no matter what you do. She looked completely normal, nothing special, just normal.

No, there's still something. If you look closer, you see a pair of empty, green eyes. Pretty green by outside, echoing empty inside. Is there supposed to be something? 


I went through the messy bag I had brought with me. I found a pair of jeans and finally a fully white T-shirt. I glared at one shirt that had a small coffee stain on it. It didn't wash off, no matter how hard you tried.

I quickly got bored of being mad to a single shirt and got myself out of the cottage. I got the gift seeds with me, but working with jeans wouldn't probably be that good of an idea.

There were few tools laying next to the mailbox, I dragged them to the front. They would be there much easier to get than from the side.

Since I can't really do much without proper clothing, I could probably go and find some kind of store so I could at least eat something.

I headed past the bus stop and quickly ended up in a stone patched area. There was a brownish brick building named Stardrop Saloon, and a white Clinic. Next to the Clinic was a building with a noticeboard and a sign that said Pierre's.

I went to the Pierre's store and tried to get in. Locked. Isn't today Monday? Why would anyone keep their store closed on Mondays? Wait.

It opens at 9 am. So, I've got about 8 minutes to wait. I examined the noticeboard and tried to find out why the old calendar was full of peoples names. Like, someone had gotten and written every single name with black permanent marker.

"Get out of my way"


"Excuse me?"

"You're blocking the way, move"

"No I'm not. See? I'm not laying on the floor and refusing everyone to walk past me"

"I don't have time for you, just get out of my sight"

Nope. Not gonna happen. I didn't want to get enemies, but I'm certainly not going to bow to people just to not get on their bad side when I have one too.

He just rolled his eyes and continued his way. Someone's having a bad day.

And that someone isn't me.


The store finally opened and I went immediately to the food section. The place was quite small, but it thankfully had food and clothes.

When I got everything, I headed to the counter where I was surprised with another person.

"Hey, you must be Ms. Ciara. Welcome to the Pierre's"

"Hi, thanks"

I paid for everything and then left the store. I found a nice bench surrounded by few bushes, and desided to eat there. Quickly, people started to walk around the town minding their own business. No one noticed me. 

I had plenty of time to watch people go, few people were gossiping under few trees. Older ladies. Two kids ran past few times, and even one older 'kid' with a skateboard.

No one saw me.

I felt like I was a fly on a roof, stalking everyone.

That was quickly over, when I saw a bright blue haired girl walking excitedly at my direction.

"Hey! You must be Ciara. I can read it from your face, you're going to love it here! I'm Emily, by the way. Nice to meet you!"


"If you're ever bored in evening, stop by the saloon. That's where I work"



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