001: Inks

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I borrowed phrases.
Just in case I write for my past.
Making you a subject.
By Interrupted every words.

Darling, there is no ink for you.
Everything revolves around you.
Running out of space coz of you.
Metaphor and syllables are gone.

My words and phrases are free.
Emotions flow uncontrollably.
No matter what, you're my match.
You don't deserve my inks.

I borrowed phrases.
I write about you, the past.
Has been limited and uncertain.
If those footsteps are followed.

My inks are already flowing.
But my words has vanished.
Parables are kept hidden.
Hiding from you, my past.

Just in case I write for my past.
While you're waiting notify me.
The borrower, in what was once.
My epicenter topic.

I borrowed phrases.
Just to remembered you.
Darling, I'm done with you.
And you were gone too.

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