Dead Meat | Jeff The Killer

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Jeff The Killer x Gender Neutral, Reader.

Trigger Warning(s): Blood, Graphic Depictions of Violence, Physical Abuse, Emotional Abuse, Kidnapping etc.

“Fuck! Get back here!” A booming voice made you jolt awake, your eyes darting to each corner of the dim room you were laying at.

A blood curdling scream stabbed through your ears right after, your ears ringing as it grew louder. The sound came from upstairs, the creaky floorboards of the basement shaking and vibrating as dust fell onto you. Soon enough, the woman’s wails were no longer audible— the sound of metal repeatedly penetrating through human flesh becoming more and more vivid above you. Looking up, you could hear your abductors heavy footsteps becoming more and more faint.

A small gasp left your lips, the basement door creaking open. The sharp metal you once heard, shining through the darkness along with his terrifying features. You could only close your eyes in suspense, knowing full well that he was still on his rage state— and you could only wish that he wasn't here to do the same to you. Instead of being greeted by the knife, you heard a scratchy voice imitating a sweet-honey voice. 

“Hey, you still alive there?”  Opening your eyes, you see none other than the smiling killer himself, what is there to expect anyway. What terrified you more than his mutilated features was his hands that were still bloodied, although his attire looked stainless for some reason.

You notice him waiting for an answer, his face slowly scrunching up with impatience. The man was like a ticking bomb, which you always tried to ease whenever you can. You couldn't raise your voice— no, it's not that you could even use it anyway. He took everything from you ever since that day he abducted you; your ability to move wherever you please was no longer yours, you couldn't scream for help with your strained voice, and you were stuck in this rusty basement.

But it wasn't the darkness that scared you the most, it was the rotten stench that came from the different parts of the spacious room— the smell getting worse and worse as the days pass by. You weren't even sure if you're alone here, only one could guess how long he’s been taking random people here.

Sighing, you fixed into the corner with your hands around your knees, shaking your head yes.

“Ah, good. I couldn't tell.”

“I’ll just go... run some errands. While you,” He threateningly pointed his knife on your throat, a nonchalant look glued on his features still, “Stay here and clean that bitch’s body upstairs. I didn't keep you alive just to lay around here like a dead fish after all. And don't even plan on escaping.”

You stuttered before he could leave, tugging his surprisingly still pearl-white hoodie, “B—But my leg. I can't even stand up.”

You both stopped, now noticing that his hoodie was now smeared with the blood from your hands. He widened his eyes as he pulled back his arm with force, and for a moment you can see rage forming in them. His cut-up lips started to expand, his body shaking with laughter.

“You stupid bitch,” He violently grabbed your chin upwards, almost crushing your bones with how much force he used, “You think you’re fucking special?”

You slowly felt a sharp pain coming from your throat, his knife cutting deep onto you slowly and painfully. The pain was unbearable, your eyes refusing to stay shut due to the agony— forced to stare onto his eyes, before you could finally shut yours.

“Hey.” Jeff snapped his fingers in front of your face, both disinterested and irritated, “Are you even listening, damnit?”

Blinking, you could stare at him in shock and confusion— his hoodie was somehow free from any blood stains, and you, you were still breathing! Whatever just happened, you weren't even gonna question it. You weren't even certain if you were still in the right mind anymore, hell, you don't even know how long you’ve been here. 

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