Innocence | Eyeless Jack

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🅡︎🅔︎🅠︎🅤︎🅔︎🅢︎🅣︎🅔︎🅓︎ {Quotev}

Trigger Warning(s):  Graphic depictions of violence, Vulgar language, etc.

Innocence, it's brilliant—beautiful, a moment of bliss to remember like a lyric to a favored song. It's rather hard to hold on to, with this corrupt of a world. Among the batches of the withered flowers among the broken field, a peaceful, yet blooming daisy sat; that will soon gradually rote along the group. Some would just disregard this coveted treasure by racing towards the road, leaving the beautiful and small things that make life so simple.

Well, if you search long and hard. Some people still had that same glimmer in their eyes, that bizarre but uncommon look. And it looks like you were one of those hidden gems. The healthy bloom on your cheeks always gave you an aura of purity, the shining orbs that could make one’s cold heart melt into an ocean. 

You would always considered yourself a traveler, not exactly to an extent where you would call yourself a vagabond, but you could say that you were more at peace when you were all by yourself. After all, your camera stayed with you longer than any of the so-called peers you had.

Sighing, your E/C eyes stared back at the stained glass panes of the local bus, your slightly disheveled clothing and tussled hair hardly reflecting on the drizzly weather outside. A frown finds it's way onto your parched lips, noticing that your destination was growing near but the rain was nowhere near on subsiding. Why did it have to be today, anyways? Slippy pavements and soaked clothes weren't exactly comfortable to roam around to.

Although if you were to think about it, the rain surely was lovely, but you could single-handedly tell that it was only in your perspective though. The people who stood on the bus looked unhappy with the upset weather, well you could only guess that even without the heavy, and almost continual weather; their faces would still be painted the same.

And from the looks of it, you were right. Everywhere you looked, on every corner of the vehicle; different people sat. There at the very front, stood was a girl, who seems to be younger than you— most definitely around her teenage years, concealing her face with heavy cosmetics. She catches eyes with you through the windshield, her lanky, pale fingers abruptly leaving her face as she dazedly stared back at you through the foggy window. You looked away almost instantly, pretending to fiddle with your camera as you wished that she averted her gaze away from yours.

Well, at this point you weren't exactly pretending anymore. You found your fingers pushing the button that swiped the photos you once took, the different sights making you smile widely. Each picture was unique, the only similarity they shared was the forest you always came to visit. But one picture made your smile fade, a certain image that sent goosebumps down your nape.

The scenery was normal, it was nothing but a normal brisk afternoon on the depths of the mundane forest. But among the trees that stood there, there was a dark figure. As cliché as it sounds, a distorted figure crouched on one of the trees. The only thing you can see was his empty eyes completely dark, lifeless, and so on. Whoever that is, you were certain that you didn't knew him— nor saw him when you took that photograph, for as long as you can recall.

Feeling the bus stop all of a sudden, you were forced to stand up with the camera still on your hands; your eyes focused on the figure as you took your steps down the stairs with care for the slippery metal. The camera froze as soon as you tried to zoom in any more, a static emerging from the device. Just as you were about to lean it against your ear, a force made you stumble onto the ground, thankfully, you were able to grip through something.

Although, the sudden action made you drop your camera into the ground, the sound of metal smashing into little smithereens making your breath stop for a good second— your eyes widening, as you desperately knelt down and reached out for broken camera pieces scattered on the sodden sidewalk.

“Damn it! Get out of the fucking way!” An obnoxious voice of a male arised above you, his vulgar language making you flinch. Rather, giving you a twisted feeling on your stomach; or maybe it was the rain that made you sick.

“Oh my God!” A girl gasped, her eyes as wide as yours, her hands were set infront of her as her eyes shined with guilt, “I’m sorry, we’re really in a hurry. I’m just...— We’re so sorry!”

You sat there still in shock, both of the voices slowly fading onto the rain as they left you with the stomps of rain that flew past you. Sighing, you fled off, not knowing where but making sure that it was far away from the scene as possible— and the rain too, of course.

“No... C’mon! Please,” The sudden voice of a girl made Jack stop all of a sudden, the ongoing search for his familiar furry acquaintance becoming postponed as he leaned against a tree to eavesdrop on the feminine cry. 

A sigh escapes the girls lips, wiping her slippery hands on her soaked clothes. She hesitantly dropped the camera on the ground, the shattered item slowly getting buried on the piles of dried leaves. She froze for a moment, her teary eyes slowly squinting as she swiftly whips her head to the side.

Jack takes a leap above the tree with as little sound as possible, glimpsing at the girl from the high ground. She started to walk towards the tree where he crouched at, her breathing slowly becoming erratic as she grew more anxious and panicked. The hooded man tilted his head curiously, recalling he had seen the girl from somewhere else. If only she would stay still for a moment. He could finally distinguish if she was worth sparing or not.


A sound of a tree branch breaking made Jack alarmed, forcing him to jump down the tree, unintentionally falling onto the girl. She let's out a yelp, falling onto the rough ground with the man on top of her.

The both of them exchanged gazes, a silence that was covered with the now-subsided rain just above them. Jack secretly reached out for the scalpel on his near pocket, his hands more than ready to slash the woman's throat before she could scream for help.

“Please, don't,” The sudden, but quiet plead the girl lets out made him hesitant, the voice being coated with pure sweet honey— to the point where it was sickeningly disgusting. But that was just for a second, he pressed the weapon on his finger as he got ready to end her suffering.

But instead of screaming nor accepting her fate, she just widened her eyes as she quickly pushed him off of her with all the force she had; making him stumble a bit away from her. She looks at him for a split second, before dashing off without ever looking back afterwards.

The strange reaction made the eyeless one star-studded, his head still stuck on where the girl fled at.

Whoever he saw, it was the peculiar little daisy. He was sure to hold on into it. He loved her fresh innocence, rather, her uncorrupted mind.

He ran towards where the girl once sat. His hands brushed off the prickly leaves that concealed the camera the girl accidentally left. He shoved it in his pocket, silently hoping that he’d encounter the strange woman again. Well, that wasn't exactly a mystery. Following her was always an option, right?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2020 ⏰

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