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I woke up as soon as my alarm went off and I immediately pulled off my satin sleeping mask. To me, as a sixteen year old, that seems like an adult thing to do. I find that weird at times, because I feel twice my age. At eleven, I felt thirteen or even fresh out of high school. But that's the least of my worries. I needed to get ready for school.

You see, I lived in Kent. I know it sounds so cliche or gross since it was so rural, but you are beyond wrong. I live in one of the most beautiful places. I live on the Isle of Sheppey. It's rural, yes, but that's not a problem when you're stinking rich now, is it? My parents and I lived in a seven thousand square foot , five bedroom contemporary mansion with a swimming pool and tennis court and a private beach. My room was on the opposite side of the house to my parents' and it had a balcony overlooking the beach that I don't think I've ever looked out of. It had an entire en suite with a shower and jacuzzi bath, with a plasma TV- TileVison, to be precise- in the wall above the bath. I'd a wardrobe full of designer handbags, computer, a playstation and a four poster bed. Lucky me.

Now another truth: I wasn't one of those nightmare daughters. At least not at home and school. I was a horrid person. Outside my normal life, I was rude, I answered back, I expected everything and, even worse, I thought I deserved everything because everyone else had them. You see, my parents weren't stupid, of course they didn't throw everything at me. Well, when I didn't deserve it. My mum was a doctor and not once, did she ever say she'd be a housewife. She was an independent woman, you know, just in case dad went bankrupt. She got all she wanted, but most of the money she spent was what she worked hard for. I've not ever seen my mum sit down and rest either. Only when she needed to sleep before she got ready for her night shift. She wasn't brought up with the success she had now, maybe that's why she was such a workaholic. The poor woman was scared. My dad on the other hand, was the CEO of an electronics company. Now, honestly, I didn't care what he did. I was just happy I had smart parents. I was a bit spoiled and rude, but they still spanked me. When I told my mum it was abuse, she opened the bible and pushed it right in my face. 'Spare the rod and spoil the child'.

I figured out a way to escape  my bedroom at night and sneak outside to meet with my friends; a climb from my bedroom balcony and down the piping, onto the roof of the swimming pool, then a few easy steps to the ground. There was an area on our private beach where my friends and I went drinking. The girls mostly drank Vodka but the guys drank whatever they could get their hands on. They also had whichever girl they could get their hands on. That person was mostly me. There was a boy, Jax, who I stole from my best friend Laura, whose parents designed furniture for celebrities or whatever and so- I'll be honest- just because of pleasure I used to let him put his hand up my skirt for about half an hour every night.

I buttoned up my slim fitted blazer and looked in the mirror. I always looked sexy in a school uniform. It was just the truth. Black thigh-high socks, a mid thigh red plaid skirt, see through white shirt and a black blazer with a black tuck-in neck tie. Very hot indeed. I picked up my Converse All-Star back pack and scrolled through my Instagram before slipping my phone into my blazer pocket and popping in my air pods. My music was blasting through my ears so loudly I was afraid I would go deaf. I walked down the pavement, my Doc Martens scraping ever so loudly. It was early, but I bet she'd be awake. I stopped by the back of Laura's mansion and threw a smooth pebble, making sure to aim carefully so I wouldn't smash her window in. Sure, we all had money, but we wouldn't want to waste it. Laura walked to her balcony with only half her uniform on her. I laughed loudly and pointed at her chest. She had her tie slung around her neck, knotted to perfection, but her shirt wasn't on yet and her lacy bra was exposing her thirty four B chest.

"Dress up quickly, we'll be late for school!" I hissed at her. She rolled her eyes and signalled at me to wait for her.

I slumped down on the side walk and leaned against the nearest wall while I listened to the song playing.

So I need you with me 

This life can make you so jaded

So we can stay shaded just to us and try to get it right, oh

For some stupid the lyrics were really getting to me. I checked the name of the song.

Distraction- Kehlani

You know, I never considered getting a proper boyfriend. Well, mostly because of what my mum used to say. Men are liars. They'd cheat no matter what. I'd definitely believe her, Jax is a player and we're in an open relationship.

I heard footsteps behind me.

"Where's Carrie?" I asked Laura as we walked to school. 

"I think she's having her share." She responded, humming to a song while walking alongside  me. 

She probably meant she was crashing in another stupid player's room. I feel sorry for her parent's honestly. Some child she is.

"Just..forget about it. This is the third and final semester, okay? Get ready."

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