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I knew Carrie would say something like that. This is Carrie we're speaking about, for Christ's sake! But, I still felt hurt.

I got up from the floor where I sat and decided I didn't need her. She'd be the one crawling back to me.

I started by writing things down, things that would benefit me. 

* Write in a diary sometimes

*Maybe clean out your room

* Love school wo-

My thoughts were interrupted when I heard light tapping on my bedroom window. I checked my wristwatch. Twenty- five minutes past ten. Maybe I really did need my paranoia meds...

I heard the tapping again, louder this time, and now I was certain I wasn't hearing things. I walked over to my window and I and whatever was breathing against my window screamed.

I pulled myself together and opened the window, causing Marcus to stumble a little on the ladder he was using.

"What are you doing here?!"

"Please, I'll explain later. Let me in, it's raining Layla!" He nearly yelled and I could hear something or someone downstairs.

I thought for some seconds before completely letting him in. He was soaking wet, some of the black colored fly-aways from his low bun sticking to his forehead, and he was shirtless.

"Why are you dressed like that in my house?"

"Aren't you happy?" I gave him a distasteful look and he stopped smiling. "Well, I found myself walking by your 'mansion', and decided to visit."

"Good enough for me." I sat on my bed and switched the telly on. Marcus made a move to sit next to me but I stopped him. "Oi! You're drenched and you want to sit on my bed? Get off!"
I tried to push him away, but he stood still, staring at the program. I eventually gave up, and let him sit next to me.

There was a deafening, horrid silence until Marcus finally spoke up. "Jackson's left."

"Left, as in died?"

"No." He shook his head, laughing. "He left school yesterday."

"Why are you telling me then?" I asked, facing him this time.

"I thought you'd want to know," He also faced me. "Or you'd have one of my eyes out."

My gaze wandered a little too far and landed on his back. The bruise was healing but it was still colossal. I traced a finger around it and he flinched a little.

"I'm going to leave now. It's getting a little bit la-"

"No, Marcus. I'm tired of you hiding things from me. And this time, the ointment is right here."

I fished out the first aid kit from my drawer and started cleaning his wounds. He had a lot of them. Some looked like cuts while others looked like knife slashes, belt marks, bruises from being kicked repeatedly, and many more. I felt so bad for not knowing this sooner. I could've supported him when he needed it.

Throughout all of my hard thinking, I didn't notice that Marcus adjusted himself, so he was now laying stomach facing down on my bed, fast asleep.

I knew that if I used the rubbing alcohol again, he'd wake up, yet he looked so peaceful. So, I finished off his ribs, packed away my first aid kit, and switched off the television. My first thought was to get comfortable and sleep now, but I was still hearing noises downstairs.

My padded feet made absolutely no noise as I strode quietly through the hallway and peered a little into the kitchen.

There was no one there. 

Just a pile of old letters resting on the grand dining room table.

"Layla, it's the middle of the night and you have school tomorrow. What are you doing here?" The deep-voiced question was almost nostalgic.

"I should be asking you the same question."

My father was fully dressed, in his work suit. He didn't look tired either.

"Get to bed Layla."


Wow, okay! Just want to thank all of my readers for the votes and all, BUT, if you want to know why there haven't been any updates, check out my latest book 'Strawberry Shortcake'.

P.S There will be a Marcus POV coming up soon!

- Liora

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