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Today, Carrie was finally at school. And she didn't have a single clue, as to why I was so angry with her.

"So, what you're saying, is that my booty call was a waste of time?". She had a legitimate reaction on her face and it only made her situation worsen. 

"Yes, it was."

I turned around and away from my locker to go to class when I spotted Marcus walking in the hallway with some other new boy beside him. As soon as he looked my way, I bent down straight away to tie my shoelaces. 

I made sure to check whether Marcus was gone, then I stood up and started picking my books. The hallway was empty, the only sound being the heels of my boots on its marble flooring. 

I had a Chemistry exam to write, and the lab was on the other side of the building, therefore, I'd have to walk all the way there. 

I remember yesterday so clearly.

"I think I need to leave. Before your mum finds out at least." He forced out a chuckle.

I waved him goodnight and went back to bed. Surely within our short conversation and persistent interrogation there was a meaning?

Or maybe I was being paranoid?

I tried my best to sleep but I couldn't stop thinking about what we just discussed. So, I let my imagination wander. I really hoped I didn't chew on my nails while speaking with him.  I knew he was drunk, but that didn't mean anything. I had a very bad habit of doing that. There was a particular time Laura and I had a discussion about things like this.

"You really need to stop chomping on your nails, Layla."

"Oh yeah? Why should I?"

"Don't you know there's more dirt under your fingernails then on a toilet seat?"

That's how Laura was when she was being annoying. She'd told me that fact while applying a new layer of lip gloss, and that gave me an idea.

"Laura, I swear to God that I'll stop biting my nails, if, and only if, you lick a whole toilet seat."

She never told me to stop after that.

My thoughts were jolted when the sound of tapping was coming from my window. I walked very slowly toward it, and it felt like a bucket of ice was poured on me. As soon as I opened it up, I was met, with a kiss. From Marcus.

I was about to pull away from him, but then I remembered that he was still drunk. So I let it all flow. He climbed in my bedroom fully, and lay down on my bed. It was obvious he was extremely drunk, because when he started to pull of his shirt I noticed the biggest, biggest bruise I have EVER seen in my life. 

"Marcus, your back!"

I traced over it and saw him flinch a little, yet all the while, he didn't answer me. He kept mute. I  left the room to get some bandages from the first aid room, but when I returned, he was gone. There was a note on my side table, and it read :

See you later,

Marcus x

I was pulled out of my thoughts when I heard laughing behind me. At first, I thought the people or person was laughing at me, but I realised that it was that new boy.

He was different from the usual boys I was used to seeing. He was tall, very, very tall, with lightly tanned skin and curly blonde hair. 

"I was just about to tell you about the exam we ma- Oh hey." He said when he saw me.

"And you are?"

"Jackson. I've heard a lot about you."

" probably have." I trailed off. I noticed Marcus' eyes were trained on me, but I did my best to avoid them. They were clouded.

"So, where're you going? What class are you attending?"

"Oh, um, I have an Organic Chemistry exam, then a huge break before I write my biology paper." I answer back. I can feel Marcus' eyes like lasers burning holes into my forehead.

"Okay, cool. I think I have that exam too, today. Mind if I come with you?"

I took a quick glance at Marcus. "Yeah, sure. I think we have about half an hour to study together if you'd like?"

"Yeah, okay then."

I started walking toward the other building, and even though my back was turned, I could still feel Marcus' eyes on me. What was his problem?

When we finally reached the other building, we stopped in to the class room to drop our things before getting to use to senior's library. Laura and Carrie were missing, so I guessed they were busy.

I remember when Laura had her first, and trust me, for a while she didn't seem eager to do it again. Especially not with the Maths teacher.

Jackson and I found a good spot and started to study. And for the first time, he seems like the only boy who wouldn't want to get under my skirt. He was really smart too. 

Every time he said my name, he sounded like he had a bit of an accent. He applied lots of vocal pressure on the 'Lay' and not the 'la'. I sometimes wished he could say it again. I think, for the first time in a while, I actually have a crush.

I saw Jackson lean closer for some seconds out of the blue, and I knew it was my queue. But as I leaned in, I caught Marcus' glare in the corner of my eye.

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