The drummer

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Rachels PoV:
My name is Rachel Berry, and with my best friend Santana Lopez and my other best friend noah puckerman, we are the band fusion.

Our old drummer, Jesse st James, has just quit because he said that "we aren't going anywhere". I can't say I'm sad or surprised because he's never been a team player, but we are in desperate need of a new drummer.

Jesse and I had a little fling which ended up with me catching him sleeping around with some college girls but I don't really care, I was only with him because I was settling for him because I find myself impossible to love.

I'm lead singer, puck plays guitar and Santana plays bass as well as singing back up vocals. We're known as the popular kids. Puck's on the football team and Santana and I are on the Cheerios, as well as this we're one of the most well known bands in Ohio, this all added up makes us the most popular kids at McKinley.

We need to start looking for a new drummer and fast, because our next gig is this weekend. But it's Monday now, so we're going to be holding auditions in the auditorium after school all week.

Finns PoV:
My name is finn Hudson and I'm basically a nobody. Sure I have friends, but not a lot.

However, for as long as I can remember, I have been madly in love with Rachel Berry. She lives next door to me and our bedroom windows face eachother. Sometimes I like to watch her, not in a creepy way though. I just like to see her smiling and singing.

I heard that her band needs a new drummer, I really want to join. Being in fusion would not only get me closer to Rachel, but it will also maybe make me popular. Rachel and I aren't the best of friends, but she always talks to me and if anyone picks on me then she has my back.

Apparently her and Jesse st James had a bit of a fling, before she realised what an idiot he is. And I have the perfect song for my audition.

Santana's PoV:
Today is the first day of our open auditions for a new drummer. Coach sue let me and Rachel miss practise this week if we promise to perform at her sisters nursing home's fundraiser in a few weeks for free.

"Look, seeing as puckerman sleeps with every girl that looks his way, I suggest to look mainly for a guy, plus it would then even the guy to girl ratio" Rachel said. I agreed and puck sighed, knowing that this was an argument that he couldn't win.

We sat through tons of auditions, most people couldn't even play the drums, they just wanted in the band for a popularity boost. This is going to be a looooong week.

Rachel's PoV:
The auditions were not going well but when I saw Finn Hudson walk on the stage I was surprised and my heart fluttered. I've always found him really cute and had a tiny crush on him, and have always wanted to get to know him better.

Our bedroom windows are facing eachother so I have noticed the drum set in his room before. Not that I look, I mean sometimes I do-

Finns PoV:
I'm super nervous but Rachel gives me an encouraging smile so I start to play.

Jessie is a friend
Yeah, I know he's been a good friend of mine
But lately something's changed that ain't hard to define
Jessie's got himself a girl and I want to make her mine
And she's watching him with those eyes
And she's loving him with that body I just know it
And he's holding her in his arms late late at night
You know, I wish that I had Jessie's girl
I wish that I had Jessie's girl
Where can I find a woman like that
I play along with the charade
There doesn't seem to be a reason to change
You know, I feel so dirty when they start talking cute
I wanna tell her that I love her,
But the point is probably moot
'Cause she's watching him with those eyes
And she's loving him with that body, I just know it
And he's holding her in his arms late, late at night
You know I wish that I had Jessie's girl
I wish that I had Jessie's girl
Where can I find a woman like that
Like Jessie's girl
I wish that I had Jessie's girl
Where can I find a woman
Where can I find a woman like that
And I'm looking in the mirror all the time
Wondering what she don't see in me
I've been funny, I've been cool with the lines
Ain't that the way love supposed to be
Tell me, where can I find a woman like that
You know, I wish that I had Jessie's girl
I wish that I had Jessie's girl
I want Jessie's girl
Where can I find a woman like that
Like Jessie's girl
I wish that I had Jessie's girl
I want, I want Jessie's girl

The whole song I kept eye contact with Rachel. I want her to know how I feel about her, and I'm kind of shy so this is the best way I know how to tell her.

Pucks PoV:
I've seen this kid around. I mean duh he's like a giant. But he's good, really good. And it would be good to have another dude in the band when Santana and Rachel are ganging up on me. And judging by the look on Santana and Rachel's faces, I think this kid is in.

Rachel looks really into it though, she's like biting her lip and It's hot. Wait a minute! Rachel's totally into this dude.

Rachel's PoV:
If I wasn't sure before, then I am now. I have feelings for Finn Hudson. He looked at me the entire song and I felt butterflies. I want him in the band, he's definitely the best drummer we'll be able to get. I think he's better than Jesse st jackass. And it will mean I get to spend more time getting to know him.

Finns PoV:
I finished the song, and finally broke eye contact with Rachel. They all stared at me for a minute and I got worried, maybe I wasn't as good as I thought. But then they stood up and gave me a standing ovation.

"Well Finn, I think I speak for everyone here when I say that you are so much better than our last drummer and we would love for you to join" Rachel said excitedly and the others nodded in agreement.

I did my signature half smile and thanked them all and shook hands with Santana and puck. When I shook Rachel's hand it felt like a wave of electricity went through my body. We held hands for a minute and then the others coughed causing us both to let go.

Santana's PoV:
Rachel's my girl, that means I know when she's totally head over heels for a guy. And I know for a fact that her and Finn are going to be more than friends.

Rachel's PoV:
I got butterflies touching his hand. Oh crap, the last drummer I caught feelings for cheated on me. But I think Finns different, I hope Finns different.

I gave him a schedule for practise and told him to come sit with us at lunch tomorrow so we could prepare for this weekend. We found an amazing drummer on the first day of auditions!

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