Prom part 1

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Please don't hate me after this chapter.

Rachel's PoV:
Prom. The night that every high school girl dreams for. I have my dress all picked out and so does Santana. Finn is going to pick me up, even though we live next door he says he wants me to have a fairytale prom experience. I'm so lucky and so ready for prom.

Santana and I are getting ready together, then she's borrowing my car to pick up Brittany and then she'll meet us there. Puck did what he does for every prom and waits for the girls that don't get asked to ask him and he ends up taking around 6 desperate Cheerios.

Finns PoV:
Prom. I know that this a big deal for girls so I'm making sure that Rachel has the best night of her life. I'm picking her up and then after prom I'm taking her to a surprise I have planned.

Pucks PoV:
Finn dragged me to the tux rental shop because he said that I can't just wear my glee competition outfit. Rachel's really starting to rub off on him and I can't tell if that's a good thing or not.

He says he needed a suit and a pink tie to match Rachel's dress and then he'd help me pick mine.

We were in there for an hour! A freakin hour trying on suits that we were only going to wear for one night. Do you know how many games of call of duty I could have played?

Rachel's PoV:
Tonight's the night. I get to dance with my incredibly handsome boyfriend and my best friends. The glee club were also asked to perform so we all had songs planned for the night. Prom doesn't start for another 3 hours, but if we don't start getting ready now then we will never be ready on time.

Finns PoV:
I have to pick Rachel up in 3 hours, everything is ready and I can't wait. Then I hear a knock on the door, kurts getting ready with Blaine, and mom and Burt aren't supposed to be back for another hour. I know for a fact that it isn't Rachel because she's probably started getting ready already.

I open the door to see Quinn standing on the other side crying. We haven't spoken much for the past few weeks, I didn't want to be that guy who drops his friends when he gets a girlfriend but she was trying to break us up. But still, if she's crying at my door I can't exactly turn her away.

Quinn's PoV:
I turned up at Finns house and made the fake tears come flooding out of my eyes. He looked surprised and worried and I knew he wouldn't turn me away.

"It's- it's my grandma Finn, she's dead" I whimpered. My grandma isn't really dead, in fact she's on an elderly singles cruise in the Bahamas loving life, but he doesn't know that.

Finns PoV:
She's clearly really upset and I know that she's really close with her grandma.

"Can I come in?" She asks. I sigh, I have to start getting ready for prom soon. As if she read my mind she started talking again.

"Come on Finn, I just bought a couple of drinks and I just want us to talk like we used to. I promise you'll get to prom In time". I sighed and opened the door for her to enter.

Rachel's PoV:
Santana left an hour ago and Finn was supposed to be here like 20 minutes ago. I have no clue what's taking him so long, I'll wait another ten minutes and then I'll go and see what's taking him so long.

I'm wearing a floor length dress with a princess neckline. My dress is a glittering pink and matches my skin tone perfectly. I have my silver promise ring from Finn, the gemstone inside perfectly matches my dress colour and I have a silver necklace with the name Finn.

He loves it when I wear my Finn necklace and Its my favourite thing to wear too, I love people to know that I'm with the man I love. I have a pair of silver stilettos and my hair has been delicately curled by Santana.

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