Chapter 1

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I panted, and panted, but nothing seemed to help. I would've thought my lungs would've collapsed by now, but women did this every day, and more than once at that! How? I could'nt understand at this point. As the saying goes; birth is the gift of life. I just didn't realize how much of a Hell I had to go through to reach that miracle. This sort of thing made women like me wish for god to have a little sympothy. This was why some women traded their vaginas for testicles.

Some of us, unfortuantely, were not as lucky to have that mindset. For the last 2 and a half hours nothing seemed to work. I tried holding my legs back, rolling to my side, and even getting onto my knees. The pain still wouldn't subside. It took all of my willpower to not look over to my husband with hate filled eyes. This was all his fault and I hoped he'd realised that. I new he'd understand later, but right now I just didn't have the time nor patience to think about it.

"Just one more push Mrs. Ealy, You're doing great", the young nurse beamed at me. I was so sick of hearing that line. These nurses had probably seen this a million times. I was frustrated, and frankly sick of having this little boy in me. But I couldn't just rush my body to do what it would only do at its own pace. I knew damn well I couldn't just give up either because mother nature didn't work that way. I let out a big grunt, crunching my face in exhaustion . 

Then, God had smiled down on me.  All of the pain seemed to vanish. The muggy hospital room was filled with th whining of my beautiful baby boy. I looked up to notice Michael Smiling back and forth between me and the baby.

"I love you so so much, baby", he claimed while kissing my forehead. " You did great."

I tried to talk, but only short breathes came out. My breathing hitched when I felt the nurse lay my little boy on my chest. He seemed to have a certain glow that nobody could look away from. My mother looked to me from in front of me. I'd been lucky, but also unlucky, to have my own mother deliver my baby.

No later than I felt the nurse give me my baby, she had taken him right back from me. My motherly instinct kicked in as I tried to get and and reach for him. Only to remember that I was bloody and in too much pain. All my mother could do was laugh.  While my mother went to deliver he placenta, it gave me a minute to replay what had just happened. Within the last 48 hours, I had become a mother.

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