Chapter 3

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The rest of the evening, the nurse helped me wash up and get back on my feet. I didn't realize it would take as long as it did to get up out this hospital bed after however many hours. It was hard enough standing up on my own, walking was worse. Id felt like someone had just ripped my vagina apart and sewn it back together.

At this point I was sitting on the bed packing the rest of my clothes along with some items and gifts the nurses had given me. I'd tried to find something on tv to watch but this hospital only had 12 channels. I figured I could make due since I was going home soon anyway. We were blessed to be able to take Noah home early, because of how healthy he was. 

"Mrs Ealy?" A tall brunette lady walked in followed by a younger looking girl, about my same skin color with short hair. "Hello" I smiled, "Have you seen my husband by chance?"

"He was right behind me", she paused to turn and look behind her. I followered her motions. "I'm Bernice and this is Kayla, one of our newest neonatal nurses. We just came to make sure that your stay here has been to your liking.", "Oh, it was wonderful, thank you." 

"Well we've enjoyed having you and.. Noah", She looked over at the name tag making sure she'd gotten his name right.

"Oh my god!" Kayla screamed."He's the most adorable baby I've ever seen." Her scream had apparently startled Noah as well, because he woke up and started to cry. When she tried to pick him up all he did was scream louder. 

I rushed over to get him from her. When I grabbed him, she looked frightened. Both Bernice and I laughed. "It's fine, I promise." I assured Kayla that he didn't know any better. She walked back over toward Bernice, "I actually brought Kayla up here because your husband requested an on-call nurse?" She questioned probably wondering if I had asked for one. "Actually I hadn't thought about it, but it would be nice being able to get back into my work after such a long time."

"Great, I'll send over the forms tomorrow morning?", "Sure", I smiled. 

Just as I looked over, I saw Michael run in with Bruce on his tail. "Baby, we've gotta go now if we want to make it through the press.".

"They're here?" 

"Some of the nurses say they've camped out since you went into labor."

"Hell no", I shook my head. These people really need a life.

Then Bruce finally spoke up, "Guys, we really need to head out. I got one of my boys to bring the car around but the only way for us to get out is through the front door. Lacie I need to to stick close to Mike and hold Noah close to you as possible. Them reporters will do anything to get hands on him."

I nodded and grabbed only of the blankets the nurses gave us to lay on top of Noah. I went over and hugged Bernice and Kayla. "See ya'll later."

I walked out of the room to join Mike and  Bruce. Mike gripped my hip and pulled me close. "You ready baby?" he said kissing my forehead. "I guess" ,I laughed.

When the elevator opened, I could already see the camera flashes. The large windows in the lobby revealed tons of reporters lining the building. Mike sqoze my hip reassuringly.

When we walked out the door, I felt suddenly closed in. Even over all the noise I could hear Noah's crys. I tried rocking rocking him a bit but there was just no room. We pushed through the crowd hearing things like " How is the baby" , "DId anything go wrong" , "What's his name". All I needed to do was keep my head down, and my mouth shut.

I'd started to feel my protective instincts soon as we walked out the door. I knew if I opened my mouth nothing sensible would come out. Pushing throught these people seemed enndless, but Bruce just kept on going. Along the way I would feel people tug at my shirt, and grab at Noah's blanket. I could also feel Michael's grip on my hip get even tighter. 

When we finally reached the large SUV, Bruce kept people from getting in, and Mike helped me up. In all the fuss I forgot about the soreness around my legs. I sat for a second with my eyes closed, waiting for the pain to settle. 

That just gave me more reson to miss my own bed, hell my own bed. I didn't have to worry about staying healthy for two. I could finally work for myself again. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2015 ⏰

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