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This poem dedicated to..
All those,who never confessed..

All those,who never confessed

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following the stars with courage,

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following the stars with courage,

I am building up memories.

Searching for your footprints,
To follow you till eternity.

praying,you see in my eyes.
Keeping this throbbing heart..,
Meant only to survive.
My soal can find rest in peace.

This place is in the midst of dream.
Traces,that can't be erased.
I am running up the hill,

straying from the road.
Scared of loosing, falling back,
But still closing my eyes, feeling the warmth.
I continue , trying to hold your arms..
Wants, this dream become true...

Seperation befalls us..
everything I
wanted to tell you.
Shall remain unspoken!!
In my tempered,but sealed heart.

Farewell my desires.. love!

I have been longing for you...
Will die still longing for you.

Will die still longing for you

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2021 ⏰

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