Chapter 12: Horrible Nightmare

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After Walten and Po were let go, Po yawned and rubbed her eyes. She hadn't slept in a while and the rest of her body felt...tired. Very tired. Like she could hardly stand.

Walten noticed this and looked at Po. "You're tired."

"H-Huh? N-No, I-I'm not." Po said before yawning again, already proving that what she said was a lie.

Walten thought for a moment before heading back into the room where Lenny was. "Hey, Lenny! Are there any spare rooms we can stay at? Po's a little tired."

"Yup, there should be some. Down the hallway and to the left." Lenny said as he eventually walked back to the communications center to try and help Ron and Fiona with fixing the machine.

Walten then faced Po. "Now, you need a little bit of sleep."

"B-But what about the N-New-"

"Don't worry about that right now. That's for you to worry about later. Just get a little nap, ok?" Walten asked.

Po sighed and nodded. "I guess I do miss a comfy bed now and then." She then walked off, using Lenny's instructions and finding an empty room and after confirming to herself that it was indeed empty, she went on the bed inside and fell asleep after setting her head on the pillow and cuddling up with the blanket.

But while inside her own mind of slumber, she suddenly shivered as she entered a dream.

When her eyes opened, she wasn't in the room anymore. She was in a room, but not any she recognized. She felt cold, and she hugged herself, trying to see if her fur would warm her, but it was only helping a little. She looked around, and saw only darkness. An empty black void. She looked down and then saw black and gray tiles, like a checkerboard.

She started to walk around before with each step she took, she could hear laughter in the distance.

"Hello?!" She called out.

No one answered.

She kept walking around. "Walten? Ron? Anyone?" She asked, but once again, no one responded. "Where am I?"

But then, she heard footsteps that weren't her own. She looked from side to side, but no one was there. She turned around before gasping when she saw an all too familiar face.

It was Tink, her best friend, but his skin was no longer gray and his face was no longer horrifying. It was the kind face she grew to know.

"T-Tinky Winky...?" She breathed, walking closer to him before Tink began to spoke.

"Y O U ' R E M Y B E S T F R I E N D !" He laughed with an evil chuckle before his face turned gray and he screamed the inhuman scream again.

Po screamed as loud as she could and quickly ran away as Tink, once again, began to chase her around the empty void. She tried to run faster, but she couldn't! Something was slowing her down, like it was the only speed she could go. She turned around and then her pink eyes widened when she saw not Tink, but Laa Laa.

Laa Laa roared and jumped into the air and in front of Po before grabbing her.

Po struggled and struggled, screaming. "HELP!!! SOMEBODY!!! ANYONE!!!" She cried.

Laa just roared at her before lifting her hand, which now had razor sharp claws.

Po eventually slammed her foot into Laa's chest, making her screech in pain and forcing her to drop Po, who quickly ran away again before hearing the rev of a chainsaw. She looked to the side and saw Dipsy, running at her with the bloody chainsaw that was now Walten's weapon.

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