Chapter 18: Staus Quo

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Both had fallen asleep and stayed that way until morning. Po was still having Walten in a tight hug. She didn't have a look of fear in her eyes at all. Just one of peace. Walten had the same. He even had a little smile.

Ron woke up and then saw the two and snorted. "'We're just friends' he told me. 'Don't even finish that sentence' he demanded." He then gently shook the two. "Come on, guys. Next day of training is up."

Walten groaned and woke up. "Huh...? Already?"

Po made a cute little noise and hugged Walten tighter. "Too early. Keep sleeping." She mumbled, not opening her eyes.

Ron shook his head, clearly amused by what was going on. "Alright, sleepyhead. We gotta wake up."

"He's right, Po. Come on." Walten said, stroking Po's red fur a little.

Po sighed and then opened her eyes and rubbed them as she stood from the bed. "Alright, alright, I'm up. Just don't flash that talking baby sun in my eyes."

Ron and Walten paused for a moment before looking at each other and then to Po.

Po giggled. "Just joking! I, uhh, think. I don't really know what was fake and real anymore back home."

Walten laughed before he grabbed his hat and put it on and then stood up. "Well, let's go."

Po nodded with a smile and then headed out, and Walten and Ron followed soon after. But then Ron faced Walten. "Ok, I need an answer. No more threats, dude."

Walten tilted his head. "Answers for what?"

"Are you and Po actually a thing? Cause I don't know anything about where you two came from even though you're my friends."

Walten blushed and looked to the side. "I said we're just friends."

"Really? Sleeping in the same bed and hugging says otherwise." Ron said with a smirk.

Walten was about to say something before Po stopped walking and turned to them. "What are you two talking about?"

"Nothing! Absolutely nothing! We're talking about nothing!" The Guardian said rather fast.

Po thought for a moment before shrugging and then walking away.

Ron chuckled. "You do, huh?"

Walten nodded.

"Don't worry, I won't tell anybody. Maybe give it some time!"

"There's more to it than that, Ron, but ok." The Guardian said before they all walked out and saw Miles talking to Lenny, a bandage around his eye and chest.

"So lemme get this into my head," Miles said. "The thing that just used Richard's body as a host is apparently some sadistic demon tubby?"

"According to Po." Lenny said with a shrug.

Miles then turned to the group once they showed up and walked over to them. "So, the survivors become recruits." He then looked at Po. "So, YOU know what the hell that demon is? The one that took Richard?"

"No." Po shook her head. "I do know that it's pure evil and scary and mean. He wants to kill me and everyone else. I don't know why or what he even is."

"Well, at least we know that." Miles said. "It's nice to have you three on board. I'll give you some more training with Anne later today."

"Sure, uh, sir!" Ron said.

Miles chuckled. "Haven't had recruits in a while. Refer to me as that in training. Call me Miles for now." He then walked away, going to try and think of a plan. They couldn't really attack during this war unless The New Borns did. They were strong and ruthless. It was going to be very hard to actually take them down, but they were going to do that. They were Earth's last line of defense.

Then, a few soldiers walked over. "Sir! The survivors have been evacuated to the various safehouses and outposts!"

"Good. Any New Born sightings?"

"We can't track them. Wes needs a sample of one of them in order to do so."

"Dammit." Miles swore before facing them. "Ok, there are thousands or millions of those things. Nabbing ONE should be easy."

Anne then walked over to Walten, Ron, and Po. "Ready, you three?"

They all nodded.

"Then, let's go. Ron, you missed out on a bit, so I'll have Fiona catch you up on more." She said before they all walked out.

Miles watched them head out before eventually going out with them to join Anne in their training. Injured or not, they had a war to win.

Wes was too upset to work. His mentor, his brother, and the tubby that raised him was now some mindless flamethrowing monster.

Fiona patted his back. "Hey. You're a smart person! You should be able to come up with a cure!"

"I'm not sure there is one, Fiona...I'm not even sure if we're gonna win this. It's only begun, and one of our leaders is now an evil demon that's leading the opposite army." Wes said, looking up.

Fiona made him face her. "Is that the Wes I've known for 8 years? Hell no. You've always loved a challenge, and this is no different! We'll get you a New Born and you can figure out how to track them and how to cure any infected! I know you can do that! You're the smartest out of all of us!"

"Heh. I suppose that is logical to think of. Thanks." He then stood up. "I'll use what I can to start off while you try and get me one."

Fiona nodded before seeing a soldier walk in. "Ma'am. Lieutenant Anne has requested you fill Ron in on what he's missed."

"I'll be right there."

The soldier nodded and walked away.

Fiona then hugged her companion. "You can do this, ok? I'll cya later." She then broke the hug and headed off.

Wes smiled a little before taking a deep breath and turning on his monitor and putting up the custard facility. "Hmm...A demon made all this, huh?"


Richard watched his soldiers nearly destroy or transform all of the base until he spoke. "NEW BORNS!!! THE MILITARY HAS RETREATED!! THEY WILL ATTACK, BUT WHILE THEY DO, WE WILL TAKE THE WORLD FOR OURSELVES!!!"

The New Borns all hissed and roared in agreement before they all bowed before their master.


They all roared and hissed in agreement once more, looking up at their master while they bowed. Then, they all stood up and started to head out.

But then, Richard hopped down from a throne made of pure scrap metal and debris and faced a duo of New Borns. "Not you two. I need your help with something."

The New Borns stood there, confused.

"Go to the machines and evolve yourself with more of me. I won't be in this pudgy form for much longer."

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