Chapter 25: Hope

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Miles looked down at the base, his helmet off for once. He could hardly see anything out of one of his eyes, and it nagged at him. He clenched his fist. If he ever saw Shadow again, he would rip out HIS eye as payback.

He kept thinking about the cursed demon and how it would be very nice to get revenge before hearing someone walk over. He turned around and saw Anne.

"Hey, Sarge." Anne greeted as she stood next to him.

Miles nodded with a slight smile. "Hey there."

"How's your eye doing?" Anne asked.

Miles shrugged. "Alright. I can't see much out of it, but can still see and shoot a gun. During a war, that's basically all you need to know how to still do when injured."

Anne snorted. "True."

There was a peaceful silence after. They were both smiling, and there wasn't much awkwardness unlike most would assume there to be. But then, Anne spoke up. "Wes has the tracker running."

"Huh. Sweet." Miles said as he was about to light a cigarette, but he shrugged and threw it aside.

Anne saw that and chuckled. "Mr. Smoker doesn't want to smoke anymore."

"Nah, I'm not mad." Miles said simply with a small chuckle as well. "I usually smoke when mad, I guess."

"Speaking of mad, I'm impressed that you haven't lost it on the others yet. I know you have a temper."

"I know, right? I guess I'm just seeing that as a terrible reason to get mad. Yeah, we might not even win this and we may all die, but once my mind has that as a definite possibility, then maybe I'll be a jackass to everyone. But not now. We have a chance and that's just keeping me hopeful."

Anne smiled at that. That was the Miles she knew for half her life. "That's another reason you're the leader."

"Not a general yet, but pretty much." Miles said with a small laugh.

Anne nodded before the two just started chatting, thinking about the future and how progress was going. But then, Miles' two way radio beeped. He grabbed it and leaned in. "This is Sergeant Miles. Over."

"S-Sergeant. We need your help! Where is your location?"

"Whoa, private. What's wrong? I thought you all were at your base and defending the cities?" Miles asked.

"We...We were...But an entire ARMY attacked our base." The private breathed. "T-The general's d-dead. T-There's barely a-anyone...They're all dead except us..."

Miles and Anne were almost breathless, but definitely speechless. Anne's eyes were wide with horror and Miles couldn't believe what he was hearing. He shook a bit before leaning in. "All...?"

"Except us...They all are. Some are infected and turned into New Borns..."

"...Okay. I'll share the location through the Communications Center. Make sure NO ONE is following you." Miles said.

"Y-Yes, sir." The two way radio then beeped and Miles put it away.

Anne looked down from the base. "This just got a million times harder."

"Yeah. Yeah it did." Miles said before grabbing his helmet and putting it on. "But it gives me some more hope."

Anne tilted her head as the day began to turn into night and the moon began to show. "Miles, I love that you're hoping for good things, and I believe that will happen, but what are you hoping for now?"

"It gives me hope that I'll be able to shoot Shadow's eye out."


Po gently walked into her room and yawned, stretching her arms. This was one of the few days where New Borns weren't attacking anyone or anything. She felt tired and absolutely smiled at the thought of sleep.

She laid in her bed and cuddled up with the blankets before hearing a knock. "Hmm?"

"Po? It's me! Walten!" The white tubby said. "You still awake?"

Po smiled and sat up. "Mhm. Come in."

Walten then came inside and gently shut the door. "I hope I didn't wake you."

Po giggled. "No. You didn't. I hadn't fallen asleep yet. What is it?"

"Well..." He pulled out something wrapped. "I know it isn't your birthday or anything, but here! I made you this!"

Po gasped and then hugged him. "Thank you!!!" She then took the present and began to unwrap it.

Walten seemed a little nervous, probably because he was wondering if she liked it.

Po then completely unwrapped it and found a black and white bandana, similar to Walten's hat.

" like it?" He asked.

Po smiled wide and then tied it around her neck before hugging him. "I love it."

The Guardian smiled before hugging back. "I may have also hurt myself with the needles to make it." He laughed.

"You want one of those lip things to make you feel better?" She asked.

Walten smiled and kissed her forehead. "Nah. I'll be ok." He then stood up. "Well, I better-"

"No!!" She then grabbed him and threw him in the bed with her.

The Guardian was a little surprised, but he smiled. "Well then, this is unexpected."

"Stay with me, Walten." Po said sweetly before giggling. "Besides, you woke me up, so now you have to keep talking to me until I fall asleep."

Walten chuckled. "Sweet!"

Po then laid down and wrapped the covers around them. "So, when's your birthday? I wanna make you something too!"

"August 27th." He answered.

Po smiled. "Good. I'll remember that day and give you a pretty thing for your pretty face." She made a tiny yawn.

"Sounds like someone's sleepy." Walten said.

"No...A soldier doesn't rest...She may close her eyes for a second...But keep..." She yawned again as she closed her eyes. "Talking...about the..."

"Goodnight, Po." Walten whispered as Po finally fell asleep.

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