Chapter 20: Survival

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New Borns were like mindless zombies. Nothing more. But they could be evolved into either stronger or sometimes smarter creatures. However, two were just arriving at one of the teletubby creation machines, sent by Richard to evolve into stronger creatures for whatever his plan was.

They arrived and walked deeper into the factory until they reached the machines.

New Borns smashed themselves out of their glass containers and into the world as they walked out.

The first New Born growled and then stepped inside an all too dusty glass container, and minutes later, it began to hiss and scream in pain. But then, it came out. Still furless and dead, but with arms and glowing red eyes. "That's much...better." She hissed as she spun around with an evil chuckle.

The second New Born just looked at their now evolved other with no emotion. Just dead and mindless stare.

The first New Born rolled her eyes and shoved them into the machine. "Master didn't want us to evolve for no reason."

Minutes later, after the screaming and roaring of pain, an identical one came out with an evil grin. He looked around before hopping out.

"Have a brain yet?" She asked.

The second New Born growled. "Of course I do! What kind of question is that?"

The first New Born just laughed before looking around and seeing more and more of their kind being spawned and created. The two walked deeper into the factory and then saw something glowing pink oozing out of the machines and onto the floor.


"How much of this does the Master need?" The second one asked.

The first shrugged. "Until the world ends, I suppose."

The second nodded before they both walked away and out of the factory along with the other thousand New Borns that were being made. They eventually made their way away from the crowd and then started making their way back to the base that their master conquered.


Po hid behind a tree, clutching a gun to her chest. She looked from one side to the other and saw that both were clear. She slowly stepped out, but then heard sticks cracking and leaves crumbling. She froze, turned around, and quickly shot her gun.


She whimpered a bit before shaking her head. "No, Po. You can be strong for once." She told herself and kept walking through the forest. What kind of training was this? Miles just told her to go out into the forest and meet the others there.

But then, she heard the sound of a gun being loaded and she turned around to the source of the noise and then shot.

The paintball that fired hit Ron in the arm and he cried out. "AGH!! MOTHERFU-"

"Sorry!!" Po cried. "Wait, Ron?"

"Po? There you are!" Ron said as he hopped down, still rubbing his arm to try and ease the pain of a plastic ball firing at a great speed and hitting him in the arm.

"Do you know where Walten is?" Po asked as she tilted her head.

Ron shook his head. "Nope. Haven't seen him. Miles just told me to come out here and meet you both here."

"Same with me. I wonder why."

"Miles said it was survival training, so maybe that's why." Ron said with a shrug.

Then, there was a loud scream. It sounded like...Walten?

Po gasped and quickly started running towards the sound of the screaming. "WALTEN!!! I'M COMING!!!"

"ME TOO!! HANG ON, BUDDY!!!" Ron cried out as he ran after Po.

The two kept running deeper and deeper into the forest until they stopped and looked around, trying to find their fallen friend. Then, the screaming was heard again, but it was now even louder. They were getting closer. Po and Ron started running even faster until they saw their friend on the ground, paint on his fur.

"WALTEN!" Po cried out as she rushed over.

Walten looked up. "Guys?"

"What happened to you?" Ron cried out.

"You're too...late. You've fallen for it." Walten breathed.

Ron and Po tilted their heads before a dark figure hopped down and then shot both of them in the back with a paintball.

"OW!" Po cried.

Ron hissed in pain and tried his very best not to swear, especially in front of Po.

Then, the figure pulled back their hood to reveal themselves as Fiona, who was laughing as hard as she possibly could. "OHOHOHO, THIS IS MY FAVORITE PART OF HAVING ROOKIES! HAHA!" She then wiped her eyes. "Sorry guys, Miles told me to hunt you guys down, and I just couldn't say no."

Po giggled, but tried to rub her back. "That really hurt, but wow. We fell for it."

"Yes. Yes, you did." Fiona said simply with a smirk before putting away her paintball gun.

Po hissed again before getting an idea, smirking mischievously and then grabbing her paintball gun and then firing at Fiona.

Fiona froze when the ball hit her back and she hissed in pain, breathing in and out before remaining silent. She then lowered her goggles and took out her gun. "OHOHOHO, IT'S ON."

If Po Survived (ST3 AU)Where stories live. Discover now