Part 10

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Sheethal was being extra friendly with Arnav, irritating both Arnav and Khushi. Khushi went to Vinay's cabin as he called her.
Khushi: "Vinay, you called me?"
Vinay: "Ha Khushi. Would you mind coming with me, to my house, after work, today?"
Khushi: "Excuse me?"
Vinay: "There is someone there, who would love to meet you."
Khushi looked at him confused.
Vinay: "My wife."
Khushi: "Your wife? Why would she want to meet me?"
Vinay: "She would obviously want to meet her friend." He smiled at her confused face. "I'm married to Ritu."
Khushi: "What?! You are... So that's why you used to roam around us, giving the excuse of culturals." He scratched his neck, sheepishly.
Khushi: "How is she?"
Vinay: "Why don't you ask her directly? Come with me after work. She doesn't know that you are here. It would be a surprise for her."
Khushi: "Ok, I will come."

Khushi and Arnav were packing up when Vinay walked into the cabin.
Vinay: "Khushi? You done? Let's leave?"
Arnav looked at the two confused.
Arnav: "Where are you going?"
Khushi: "I'm going out with Vinay. Will see you later. Don't wait for me. I have a key card with me."
Arnav: "What the? Why didn't you tell me?"
Khushi: "I forgot. Anyway, you will be going out with Sheethal. I will get bored in the room." Arnav looked at her surprised.
Arnav: "Mr.Kapoor, would you excuse us for a minute?"
Vinay: "ha? Sure." He stepped out of the cabin.
Arnav: "What do you mean by 'will get bored in the room'. You are coming with me, right?"
Khushi: "Are you serious? Arnav, Sheethal clearly invited you only. Last day, too. She wouldn't like it, if I come along."
Arnav: "I'm inviting you to come along, right?"
Khushi: "Arnav, clearly, she is taking you out. You can't invite someone. She should be the one to do that. Anyway, I told Vinay that I will go with him. So... I better leave. He is waiting."

Vinay: "Ritu... Ritu..."
Ritu: "Ha Vinay... Coming... Why are you screaming. Don't tell that it's because you want my kiss."
Khushi looked at him amused while he smiled at her, embarrassed.
Vinay: "Ritu... We have a guest."
Ritu: "Guest? Who...." She reached the living room and gasped seeing Khushi.
Khushi: "Surprise!"
Ritu: "Kuku... Kuku!" She took her in a tight hug. "Kuku... How are you? I'm really sorry, for not keeping in touch, after moving to Mumbai. I lost my phone and lost all contacts. You were dealing with a lot and I couldn't stay with you to comfort you."
Khushi: "shh... Shh... It's ok. I'm all fine. Don't worry about it."
Ritu: "But how did you guys, meet?"
Vinay: "She is here with ASR, for the new deal."
Ritu: "ASR?"
Khushi: "I'm the head designer in AR head office."
Vinay: "You guys carry on. I will freshen up and come."
Both the women nodded at him.

Ritu noticed her nuptial chain.
Ritu: "You are married? I'm happy that you could finally move on."
Khushi: "It's not that easy for me to move on Ritu."
Ritu: "But..."
Khushi: "It's an arranged marriage. We are working on it.... sort of. He knows about my past. At least a part of it."
Ritu: "I know you will give your all in a relationship, Kuku. It's ok, if a part you loves him still. But do try to love your husband too."
Khushi: "I'm married to Arnav."
Ritu: "Arnav?! As in... Arnav Singh Raizada?"
Khushi nodded slowly.
Ritu: "Kuku?"
Khushi: "No one knows. Not even Vinay. I don't want anyone to know. Atleast not until we reach somewhere in our relationship. I don't know where this is leading us. My past always interferes. The memories are... just too strong. But the good thing is, with him, I can share my past, without as much pain, as I used to have. I can smile, while talking, thinking about them. He... He is not the arrogant, ruthless ASR. He listens to my stories patiently."
Ritu: "Kuku... He... is your husband. Would he really like, listening to you, talking about your past?"
Khushi: "Ha? But... he asks me about it."
Ritu: "I don't know, Kuku. Aswer his questions. But you, Kuku, tend to become talkative when talking about him."

Vinay: "What are you ladies talking about?"
Ritu: "Just gossiping"
Vinay: "Women and their gossips. Did you invite her for the party?"
Ritu: "Oh, no! I forgot."
Khushi: "What party?"
Ritu smiled brightly: "It's our Anniversary tomorrow. We are having a party. So do attend. No excuses."
Vinay: "The party is at the hotel, where you are staying. I will invite ASR tomorrow. Anyway, we have office only for half day, tomorrow."

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