Part 13

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She didn't think much while submitting her designs to their professor, after Ritu's pestering. She didn't really expect her designs to be selected for the competition. So she was really surprised, when the co-ordinator of the event, Vinay, a final year student came to her, to inform about it.
Some of the seniors were really angry because a first year student got the opportunity. Some even went as far as complaining to the principal. But he simply asked them to bring better designs, if they wanted to take part in the competition.
Vinay was really friendly, helping her throughout the competition and the processes leading to it. And he remained friends with Ritu and her there after.

During her second year, the professors didn't really think about who is going to represent the college. Khushi was the best they had, and they knew that. But still she insisted that they get drafts from all those who are interested and then select the best design from those. But the result was just as they predicted.

Khushi was called to the Principal's office
to introduce her to the students and teachers in charge of the event. A group was always assigned to help the designer to help her in selecting the models and in making the whole process easier. They were also discussing about what their theme should be this year.

All these made her late for class and as she reached her class she realised that their guest lecturer, Mr. Arnav Singh Raizada was taking the class. Their principal had introduced him in the morning, in the auditorium. He was going to take 8 classes each for the second and third year students. He was the King of the Fashion world. Even though he was not a designer himself, he had a keen eye for the work. Many famous designers around world, had their first step from AR. AR had helped them achieve heights within a small time period and he never restricted their growth. The said designers released a few of their works, every few years under AR's banner as collabs.
She did admire the person up until now.

Khushi: "May I come in sir?"
Arnav looked at his watch.
Arnav: "Aren't you a bit early? I believe the next class starts in 40min."
She was stunned at the reply. She didn't really expect him to let her enter the class. But she expected him to atleast ask her why she was late.
Khushi: "I'm sorry I'm late. But I was at the Principal's office."
Arnav quirked an eye brow.
Arnav: "And why were you at the principal's office?"
Khushi: "I'm the designer for the inter-college fest. So..."
Arnav: "Really? You want me to believe that? You should come up with some rather believable excuses. Now stop disturbing the class."
He turned around towards the class and continued his lesson.

She was shocked at how arrogant, he was. He was not even willing to give her the benefit of doubt.
She had never missed a class before and now because if him...

She chose not to attend any of his classes hence forth. She used the extra time to work for the event. A few of her models were final year students. Among them was someone who hated the fact that a junior got selected for the event. She had joined as a model to sabotage her work. And to her good luck, she got selected as the showstopper. She knew that, if she did something drastic and got caught, she would be expelled from the college. So she had rather planned to take an easy way out.
She went to the teachers in charge of the event, the evening before the competition and said that she had to leave immediately to her hometown as her mother was seriously ill. She asked her friends to monitor what happens next and went home.

The whole team was really tensed. There was no way they could get and train someone else at such short notice.
Ritu: "Guys... I have a solution. You remember Kuku, I told you that her measurements are almost same as yours. You have already been training to walk the ramp with her. So you can handle it. A little alterations to the dress and you can be the showstopper."
Khushi: "What? But how can I?"
Teacher: "That seems to be a good idea."

They made quick alterations to the dress and did a dress test. The previous showstoppers friends were really angry, that their plan flopped. So they decided to do something.

The principal along with Arnav walked into the auditorium, where the final rehearsals were about to begin. Arnav was shocked to see Khushi in an elegant dress. He was highly impressed by the dress.
Principal saw him looking at Khushi.
Principal: "That's Khushi Gupta. She is the designer for the competition. She is an excellent designer. One of the finest we ever had. She won the competition, last year, even after being a first year student. And we have high hopes for her this year too. But why is she wearing the showstopper dress?"
Arnav: "What?! She... is the designer?"
The principal nodded in affirmative.
Arnav was really shocked. He still remembered the girl, whom he insulted when she told that she is the designer. He did notice that she didn't attend any of his classes, after that.

They had reached near the ramp by then and he noticed her slipping and was quick to catch her.
Arnav looked at the beautiful girl in his arms and felt his heart beat skip. Khushi who had closed her eyes tightly in fear, slowly opened her eyes and was stunned to find herself in the arms of ASR.
Arnav slowly placed her on the floor, but she slipped again. Arnav held her close, frowning.
Others rushed to them, seeing her fall.
Ritu: "Kuku... Are you alright?"
Khushi: "Ya... But... " She frowned looking towards her foot. She slowly raised the hem of the dress to examine her heels. Even Arnav was looking to find what was wrong.
Khushi: "Ritu, get me a chair, please."
Ritu immediately moved a chair, near her. Khushi sat down and removed her shoes and found that there was oil sticking to the bottom. That made their frown deeper. Arnav looked at the ramp and noticed that there was oil spilled there.
Arnav: "What the?! How come there is oil on the ramp. She could have seriously injured herself."
The teachers knew that there was oil with them, which they had kept ready for lighting a lamp the next morning before leaving for the competition. They called the student in charge if safekeeping.
Teacher: "How come there is oil here?"
The student was really frightened. She stole a glance at a few seniors. They have been the ones who took the oil from her, stating some reason.
Arnav noticed her gaze and called the girls.
Arnav: "Were you the ones who took the oil from her?"
Girl: "What? We... We..."
Arnav: "There are cameras around here, right? Let's check the footage."
Girl: "Sir... It.. It was an accident. We didn't mean to..."
Arnav: "Then why didn't you tell anyone before she started walking?"
Girl: "That... That... We"
Principal: "Both of you... Come with me to the office."

Soon the ramp was cleaned and the rehearsal restarted. Arnav watched the collection, mesmerized. The designs were indeed brilliant work. He waited till the end of the rehearsals to have a word with Khushi.

Arnav: "Khushi, right?"
Khushi glanced at Arnav and ignored him. Arnav was really surprised. Usually girls try all methods to get his attention and here, she was ignoring him.
Arnav: "Khushi?"
Khushi: "I don't think we are on first name basis, Mr. Raizada."
Arnav: "What the?!"
Khushi: "Anyway, you wanted to tell me something?"
Arnav: "Woh... Your designs are really good."
Khushi: "What designs, Mr. Raizada?"
Arnav was surprised by the question.
Arnav: "The ones for the competition."
Khushi: "Competition. You think that I'm the designer for the competition? Tell me something that's believable, Mr. Raizada." She said in a mocking tone.
But what irked Arnav was not her tone, but her calling him Mr. Raizada. He wanted her to call him Arnav and the thought shocked him.
Arnav: "er... Khushi... I know I judged you a bit fast that day... I didn't think that a second year student would really be this good. Heard that you won last year. I'm sure you will win this year too. Your designs are really good."
If it was someone other than Khushi, they would have been flattered hearing The ASR, praising their work. But this was Khushi. She was rather irritated because Arnav didn't apologize.

Arnav: "So... We will be happy to release your designs through AR. We can talk about a contract, this weekend"
Her frown deepened. He didn't even ask her, if she wanted to work with AR.
She glared at him and left the place.

Hey guys... Sorry for the long break. My exams did end about a month ago. And I had been trying to write since then. But I was having a writers block. This chapter was completed in two occasions. I wrote a small part, a few days after the exam. But could continue,no matter how hard I tried. And it was too small for me to post it.
I started this story, with the thought of someone getting married to her lover, who lost all his memories of her. Now that I already reached that part of the plot, the rest will surely be difficult for me😅. But no worries. I will soon continue.
Thanks for reading. Do comment.
Sorry for the typos.

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