Ch17- From Student to Hero

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"Mom.?" (Y/N) turns the corner, seeing her dad comforting his wife.. "What happened.?" (Y/N) drops her backpack and rushes over to them.. "He did it.. He ran away.. He's gone.."

(Y/N) didn't say another word, as she slowly makes her way to her bedroom.. "Idiot.." (Y/N) leans against her closed door, trying to process what she just heard.. "You stupid fool.." (Y/N) looks back at the picture, of her and her closest person..

~time skip: (ω)~

"And yet, you still want to save lives..even though you're Quirk is minimum?" Nana asks, looking down at, young (Y/N). She nods her head in determination.. "I know that my Quirk isn't all that strong."

Nana hums and starts to walk away.. "But, there's a lot of kids out there who don't have a strong Quirk, either. And that's never stopped them from walking out the door with a smile.." Nana turns around, shocked, bursting out into a laugh. "(Y/N) (L/N), right?"

(Y/N) nods her head, confused of why Nana laughed at her.. "You're crazy, you know that?" Nana smirks and puts her gloved hand on her head. "You remind me a lot of this boy, that I met the other day."

She turns around and walks away.. "Meet me at the beach, at five am tomorrow. I have someone for you to meet.."

~time skip: (^o^)/~

"Who is this guy?!" Toshinori yells out, now staring at All For One's assistant.. (Y/N) stares at him in fear..knowing who that person is under the mask. "(Y/N)'s okay." Nana stands in front of her..

"Master.?" Toshinori shivers in fear, holding (Y/N) in his arms. "(Y/N), Toshinori.. I leave the rest to you.." A bright light shines upon the villain and heroes, finally ending it all..

~time skip: (・・;)~

(Y/N) slowly creeks open the door, with a shadow covering her face.. Her eyes were all puffy from the tears she's been shedding. She had just returned from her Master's funeral.. And yet, she still feels guilty for putting her teacher up for that mission..

"It's all my fault.. It's all my fault.. I'm sorry, Sensei.." She slides down on her bed, starting to cry again. "I should've told you.." She wipes her tears away, noticing a box under her bed. With curiosity taking her away from crying..

She open the box, seeing before her, her Master's hero costume. She picks it up, along with the note she found with it.. "A strong, independent woman, like you, deserves to wear a cape that'll make you look good." -Nana Shimura

(Y/N) laughs a little and takes the costume out of the paper wrapping.. "No.. I'll wear this when it's time."

~flashback ends~

"Hello, (Y/N)." The villain stands, looking down at the pro hero. "Wait, (Y/N) know him.?" Toshinori asks, as the villain bursts out into laughter. "Wait, they don't know yet?" The villain points at her friends, still snickering..

"You've kept the secret for thirteen years." The villain smirks and steps forward, activating his Quirk. "Let's see if you can beat me...
Little sister."

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