When he accidentally sees you naked [Part 1]

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Hi there! This chapter was requested by @MirandaWinterbourne

I hope you enjoy this chapter..if not then please feel free to criticize my Chapter!<3


Lawyer (Freddy Riley) [His POV]

I finally finished working (he is working in the manor, change my mind) and I had the opportunity to see my Y/N after a long long day. I wasn't thinking straight and randomly rushed in her/his dorm room without knocking...Of course she/he was changing the exact moment I came in her room. When I was aware of my actions I immediately apologized and slammed the door shut...I will buy her an apology skin...

Thief (Kreacher Pierson) [Your POV]

I just took a nice and long shower and I was about to change into my comfortable sleepwear when the door suddenly opened. When I noticed that it was Kreacher I threw my towel at him, pushed him out of the room and slammed the door in his face. You two had a long talk after...that.

Lucky Guy (Liam?) [His POV]

I just found a little ladybug on my sleeve and I got so excited that I wanted to show Y/N but me, being a little dumb, forgot to knock and bursted in her room while she/he was changing. When I noticed her/his shocked glare I immediately apologized and closed the door behind me...Where did that ladybug go..?

Mercenary (Naib Subedar) [Your POV]

The owner of the manor decided to gift me a new A-Tier skin and I was way too excited for it so I, of course,  wanted to try it on right away but the moment I started to change Naib opened the wooden door. I blushed and covered my body quickly, he just stared for a moment and muttered an apology while leaving the dorm room.

Magician (Servais Le Roy) [His POV]
I trained a new magic trick and I wanted to show it to my loved one first! I gently opened the door to find Y/N changing. My cheeks grew red as I noticed his/her graceful body...for my luck she/he didn't notice me so I used my magic stick( his canon item) to sneak out of Y/N's room to prevent an awkward situation.

Explorer (Kurt Frank) [Your POV]
I just got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my wet body. When I got out of the bathroom Kurt sat there in my chair and read his book. Out of shock because I didn't expect him to sit there so suddenly I dropped my towel and backed off, only to bump into the wall next to the bathroom door. He noticed my now exposed body and apologized while quickly walking out of your room...oh god..

Forward (William Ellis) [Your POV]
I accidentally spilled [insert sweet drink] all over my clothes so I rushed to my room to change into clean and dry clothes. William couldn't find his Y/N after searching nearly the whole mansion...He stood in front of your dorm, the only room he hadn't checked. He opened it to find you with a "shocked" glare and no clothes on. He quickly covered his eyes and shut the door...William apologized a lot after that.

Seer (Eli Clark) [His POV]
I was in the garden when I noticed that Y/N wasn't around me at all and it made me really really worried...Maybe I did something wrong..!? I rushed to her/his room and I quickly opened it, expecting no one in it when I saw Y/N leaving the bathroom connected to the room without clothes on. I stumbled over my lines, trying to apologize but it seems like he/she doesn't mind at all...? I don't know but I closed the door. (...what)

Embalmer (Aesop Carl) [His POV]
I wanted to borrow a dress/suit from Y/N as a reference for the Y/N shaped clay(?) figure in my coffin. I thought she/he was downstairs talking to [insert Survivor] so I sneaked into her/his room, just to see that Y/N was staring at me with a surprised look and covering her/his "private parts". I bowed down and apologized while rushing out of the room.

Cowboy (Kevin Ayuso) [His POV]

A match was stating in 10 minutes which I had to participate in and then I noticed that I forgot my lasso in Y/N's room. I jumped up from my seat and dashed into her room without thinking straight and that's when I noticed her/him changing at the exact moment I walked in. I apologized, shut my eyes and tried to grab my item without looking. Y/N eventually pushed me out of their room and threw my lasso next to me.

Prospector (Norton Campbell) [Your POV]

Vera accidentally dropped her food on my pants/skirt (whatever) and now I am in my room trying to get the sauce off my clothes (you are in your underwear//naked) I heard the door open and whipped my head around. Norton was standing in the doorway as shocked as I am...I started to smile as he tried to mumble out an apology ''It's ok [insert nickname]'' He closed the door and I continued scrubbing my clothes. (this was kinda lame, sorry)

First Officer (Jose Baden) [Your POV]

It was sleeping time and I wanted to change into my pyjama/pajama so I of course undressed but...where did my sleepwear go..? I searched through my whole room but nothing...I heard the door click and Jose came in. He soon noticed that you weren't fully..dressed and firmly apologized while walking out again ''Hold on, Jose/[insert Nickname]'' he turned around with a confused look on his face ''Do you know where my pajama/pyjama/sleepwear is?'' Jose pointed to the pillow ''I put it under it''....Oh

Acrobat (Mike Morton) [His POV]
"Y/N dinner is ready!" I stormed in her/his room, only knocking a second without waiting...She/He was standing there...but without any clothes on. I turned around ''W-Why aren't you wearing any clothes Y/N'' I felt her/him slightly pushing me out of their room ''Please, let me change my clothes first, Mike'' ''Yea, sorry..Y/N'' I awkwardly walked out of her/his room...

Gravekeeper (Andrew Kress) [Your POV]

I accidentally sat on a bench in the garden that Emma had painted green. The paint was still wet...So, I got up and rushed into my room to change my clothes when I noticed that the paint has soaked through my pants/skirt and even my underwear is stained with the dark green color. I was desperately searching for spare clothes , when suddenly someone tapped me on the shoulder..I literally freaked out and fell forward...but without falling to the ground? Andrew caught me before I could hit the floor and pulled me in his arms ''A-Are you ok Y/N?'' I nodded and he eventually let me go ''Thank you''. I smiled at him and picked up the spare clothes.

''Prisoner'' (Luca Balsa) [His POV]

I was walking around the manor when I had the idea to visit Y/N. When I got to her/his room I heard a loud thump 'What is going on in there..?' I slowly opened the door to find Y/N, literally naked on the floor. I blushed and covered my eyes ''W-What are you doing Y/N?!'' ''I ran against the wall...'' ''Wait, how?'' I heard her/him stand up and cover themselves ''You can look now, Luca( or any other Nickname)'' I felt her/him hug me and I opened my eyes again and recognized their presence in front of me. I of course hugged back.


This took longer than I wanted it to take tbh...School started again and I am PRESSURED AHHHHH. I will try to write faster but ugh motivation 0% and time also 0% hhhhhhh

Thanks for reading tho! <3 have a great day/night and stay safe! :)

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