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Let's talk about the gun

Let's talk about the gun lodged between my temple and the killers' hand

Let's talk about how his whispers sound like 10 thousand car crashes, aeroplane crashes, thunderclaps and children screaming in agony

The killer says, "Can't run from me now can you, nigga"

I stand with a stone look on my face but my insides were swallowed by the choices shot through my ears with that gun of a mouth

My naked heart shivers like an Arctic breeze blew over the surface of it on a not day in the Sahara Desert

The killer never smiled

The killer never told me that it was a joke

The killer never gave a reason as to why

But his breathing increased, his eyes became narrower, his face contorted to one of anger and his lips held a firm straight line

In that moment, I knew precious time was running out

I finally decided to inhale oxygen although I knew that I held my breath

Or was it that his arm was around my neck

Or was it that my heart stepped in my chest

I sigh with tears in my eyes

And said

"To live is Christ and to die is gain"

When I really wanted to say

"To live being black, you don't know the pain"

And with that, time officially stopped.

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