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Why did I give my heart to you? Why did I give my mind to you? Why did I give my body to you? For you to use it irresponsibly? We kissed and made love under the moonlight! We smiled and laughed together! Was that all for a show? You used me like a dress that has been worn one too many times. You dumped me like a toy that is no longer needed and has been long forgotten. The amount of brokenness I feel makes me wish that things were just a little bit more genuine.

But now that you have left me, onto the next prey! She will so willingly fall into your arms, apparently, Prince Charming turned on his charm, gave her false promises of protecting her from harm, ring !(3x) there goes the alarm! but she doesn't take out the time to notice that he has plunged her hand inside of her chest and ripped out her poor beating heart. She was too caught up in the moment to feel the pain, too caught up in the moment to realise that they have lost the spark.

She drops to the ground. BOOM! Dead, lifeless, cold, wide-eyed. Just like the rest of us. Maybe it was because we asked for a Prince Charming and not a King. Prince Charmings are fake, Kings are real. Prince Charmings are common, Kings are rare. Prince Charmings put on a facade, Kings have character. Prince Charmings don't give a damn about your existence but Kings handle you as if you were a fragile china doll. Prince Charmings are "boys" that "want" a girlfriend (aka a damsel in distress) but Kings are real that "desire, purse and go after" a real women (aka his Queen).

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