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Picture this:

In a world

So dark, so cold

How can the church reshape the mould?

And be restored to its former glory fourfold?

Well one of the many answers to this question is that

Soon and very soon..........God gon be shakin da house

Not only this house but every house

I mean so much shaking

Only those strong enough can be able to stand

Let's go back to the question posed when I began

And if you didn't hear me, Imma repeat it again

Picture this:

In a world

So dark, so cold

How can the church reshape the mould?

And be restored to its former glory fourfold?

This question is posed almost every day

With all of the chaos and turbulence

I think it makes sense for some people to feel that way

But there is a shaking in the house

But let me address the elephant in the room

We have not been consistent with the upkeep of the House!

Our lives have been turned inside out, up, down, and all around

I mean God is speaking to us with a frown

"Can you not see how much of nothing it looks like now?"

Cause there is a shaking on the house

God was not only meaning the four walls

But the four walls of our lives

For God doesn't look on the outside

He looks on the inside

Cause there's a shakin in this house

So again I say

Soon and very soon.........God gon be shakin da house

Every house

That's His solution

To uproot all the pollution

To disband the confusion

And to bring to fruition

Your latter greater glory

Cause there's a shakin in the house

You see

God will give you peace among the calamity

And with that, you can use your latter glory

To tell a greater story

And reach the masses with your testimony

Cause there was a shakin in the house

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