Chapter 6: Sports Festival?

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Friday, August 28, 2020

Note: Kuriko is a little OOC here but she still has her expressionless face * Except when she eats coffee jelly *

((Kuriko's Thoughts/Telepathy))

{{Saiki's Thoughts/Telepathy}}

(({{Saiki and Kuriko's thoughts in Unison}}))

'People's Thoughts'

"People Talking Loudly"

"People Talking"

"People whispering"

Author / Me: Hello again! This Chapter Is the Sports Festival! So... Sit, Relax, Get your snacks/Popcorn, and Read! (○` 3′○)

Kuriko POV

All of us calmed down after the L.O.V. attack. I was sitting at the left corner of the classroom and Kusuo on the School was about to end but, "What's happening?" Uraraka shouted, "What's your business with Class A?", questioned Iida "What is this? We can't get out." Mineta said "What are you doing here?" questioned Mineta "Inspecting the enemy, you scum." Bakugou said, Mineta was pointing accusingly to Bakugou with a shocked face, while Izuku made a 'He always does that' look. "Since we all survived the villain's attack." Bakugou began "So they came to inspect

us." Bakugou explained. "That's him being neutral." Izuku said, "There's no point in doing that." Bakugou said. Move rubbernecker." Bakugou said while Uraraka and Izuku had a mixed of Nervous and shocked face. "Stop being rude to people you don't know," Iida said, using his chopping hand motion. "I came to see the rumored Class A," A random guy began. "but... you're pretty arrogant." He said. "Is everyone in the Hero course like this?" He questioned, and everyone shook their heads. "Eh?" Bakugou said. "Seeing things like this disillusions me..." The

guy said as he rubbed the back of his head. "There are a lot of students in the ordinary, and other, courses because they couldn't get into the Hero course." He said. "But the school has given us a chance." "Depending on the festival results, they'll consider transferring us to the Hero course." He said. "The reverse is possible too." and everyone in 1-A gulped except me and Bakugou. 'Inspecting the enemy?' He thought, "As for me, even if you're in the hero course," I listened, "if you get too carried away, I'll pull the carpet from under you're feet." He said, "I came to declare war." He said. 'He's bold too!' Iida, Uraraka, and Izuku thought. (({{Yare yare.}})) I

and Saiki thought at the same time. "I'm from Class B next door." Another guy said. "I heard you fought with villains so I came to hear about it," He began "but you're getting way ahead of yourself!" He shouted. 'It's another bold person!' Thought Iida, Uraraka, and Izuku. "If you hype yourself too much." "you'll embarrass yourself." He shouted, and Bakugou was walking away, "Are you ignoring me?" He questioned/yelled. "Wait, Bakugo! What are you going to do?" Asked Kirishima. "Because of you, we're amassing hate!" Kirishima shouted, "It doesn't matter."

Bakugo said, "Huh?" Kirishima questioned. "As long as you get to the top, it doesn't matter," Bakugo said, and Izuku was shocked. And Bakugo began to walk away. "You jerk!" That guy again said. "How simple and manly" Kirishima said while tears were in his eyes. "Eheh?" Denki asked, "He sure said it." Satou said. "Huh?" Denki asked, "The top, huh? Good point." Tokoyami said. "Don't be tricked!" Denki said I chuckled a bit of Denki's Reaction. "He just made more enemies," Denki said. "We're going to be at a disadvantage during the sports festival," Mineta said. I sighed and grabbed my bag, then I went to the door and left.

After School

"Hey Izu-Kun where are you going?" I asked ((I know but I'll pretend to not know at all.)) "Uh... I-" I interrupted him by saying, "Can I come with you? I'm bored I'll tell Mom to wait here!" I said and he was muttering nervously.

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