Chapter 4: New Student In UA! Class 1-A. And a Weird Encounter.

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Thursday, August 27, 2020

Note: Kuriko is a little OOC here but she still has her expressionless face * Except when she eats coffee jelly *

((Kuriko's Thoughts/Telepathy))

{{Saiki's Thoughts/Telepathy}}

'People's Thoughts'

"People Talking Loudly"

"People Talking"

Author / Me: Hello again! Today Is the Day Kuriko Midoriya and Izuku Midoriya Go to UA Highschool! Anyway, Sit down, Relax, and Enjoy the Book!

Kuriko POV

I woke up early at 5:00 AM ((I should wake Izuku Up)) I thought and got off the bed and opened the door out of my room, I then walk towards Izuku's Room and opened the door. I then saw so many All might posters and All might figure and whatever All might stuff. I walked towards Izuku he was still sleeping, I can hear his soft breathing. I shook his body and said/yelled, "Wake up, wake up! Today Is our first day In school you don't wanna be late right?" He groaned and sat on the bed and nodded. "Now go to take a bath I'll go to the other bathroom near my room. And hurry! I don't want us to be late on our first day" I said walked towards the door to open it.

I walked through the hall and open the door to the bathroom. I took a bath, and after that, I changed my clothes to my Uniform for Class 1-A and I picked up my Glasses and went downstairs to make breakfast. After I cooked food I went to Mom's room. I knocked on the door and got no answer's ((I guess she is still sleeping)) I gently opened the door and walk towards Mom, I Shook her body too. "Wake up, Mom! Breakfast is ready and Izu-Kun Is getting ready for school in UA" I said and she woke up and hugged me and said, "Be safe and make sure you and you're brother aren't hurt when you come back okay?" She said "We will! I'll make sure my brother learns how to control his Quirk since he is a 'Late boomer.'" ((He got the Quirk from All might when I read his Mind)) "Alright let's go eat breakfast now sweetie," She said I nodded I still have my stoic Expression but smiled a little and we went to the dining room and we ate our breakfast.

I got my shoes and sock's, I put It on while my brother did the same to his. And I waved goodbye, "Sayōnara," I said and, "Bye, Mom! I and Kuu-Chan are leaving now!" He said Mom waved back at us using a tissue to wipe her tears away. "Bye! And be safe!" She said, "We, will mom!" He said. And we left off to go to school. I met Todoroki on the way, and we chatted. "Hey, Kuriko I forgot to ask who Is he?" He said Pointing directly at Izuku. "Oh, he's my older twin brother. Izuku Midoriya!" I replied Cheerfully "H-hi M-my a-name I-Is I-Izuku N-Nice t-to meet y-you. What's y-you're name" He stuttered. "Hi, my name Is Shoto Todoroki Nice to meet you, Izuku." He said Bluntly "N-nice t-to me-meet you t-to T-Todoroki-Kun..." He stuttered again. "Anyways we're close Race you!" I said cheerfully and ran to school "Hey! Wait for me Riko-san!" Todoroki said ((Yes Readers he calls me Riko like Ku-Riko. You know what I mean?)) "H-hey wait for me guys!" My twin shouted running along with Me and Todoroki. "We're here," I said looking at UA

"What if they don't like me? What if I can't control my Qui---mutter mutter" *sigh* (( He always mutters)) I touched his shoulder and he flinched, "Calm down! No more time for muttering we need to find our class first. It says here we're in 1-A" I said trying to calm him down "O-oh r-right" He stuttered and walked toward's the school tripping himself self and a girl caught him. ((I'm just gonna ignore her talking)) "Hey! What's you're name?" "Oh! I'm Uraraka Ochaco." "Nice to meet you Uraraka and thanks for catching my twin when he almost fell he's kinda nervous," I said, "By the way, my name Is Kuriko Midoriya and my twin's name Is Izuku Midoriya." I replied Bluntly "Oh! Nice to meet you Kuriko! But It's hard to believe you guys are twins because you guys look so~ different!" She said "We get that a lot even from Bakugou but we are twins! Even when we look different!" I said a bit cheerfully. "Oh! Okay! I get it. Anyway, what class are you In?" She asked. ((I forgot about Izuku I better mention him here)) I thought "Oh! We're In class 1-A what about you Ochaco-Chan?" I asked she blushed a bit. ((Probably because I called her Ochaco-Chan)) "O-oh! I'm in Class 1-A! I don't know where It Is but let's find It together." She said. I nodded ((I feel bad because I already know where It Is using Clairvoyance, awhile ago when we're here)) "Okay! Let's go find It then!" She Exclaimed "O-okay!" Izuku said. Ochaco-Chan walked Infront of us, while I and Izuku are walking behind her. "Oh my god, I just talked to a girl!"

"I'm a girl Izuku... I'm a girl!" I whispered yell to him. "R-right but I meant a different g-girl, not a sibling." He whispered back. *sigh* "Okay!" I said after that a guy with Pink hair passed me. He has Pink hair antenna hair clip thingy and green-tinted glasses-- ((WHAT THE HELL!)) I mentally screamed and the guy with Pink hair looked at me and walked beside me. "Why did you scream" he whispered. "Uh... I didn't scream? I did that In my mind." And that hit me HE IS me! ((What! He read my mind. He even looked like me In my past self)) I thought. And I saw his face It looks like something hit him too! "Wait you look like my girl version when I transform..." He whispered to me. My eyes widened Me I mean HE Is me. "Wait how did you get here?" I whispered/questioned. "A portal that sucked me In, saved a person, killed a villain, A Nezu rat assigned me to go to School In here UA." He whispered. I got shocked Did I just meet my AU self?!" "Wait are you the youngest Saiki brother or Oldest?" I questioned "I am the youngest brother and I have an older sister named Kusuke" he whispered back to Me. ((And It was true I Just met another Me." "What's your name?" I asked because he might have a different last name or first name. {{ Kusuo Saiki. Are you psychic too? Also, I'm In Class 1-A are you there too? }} He said In telepathy. My eyes widened but nodded twice. "Oh... Okay AU me.." He whispered. "Huh? What are you guy's talking about, and who is he?" Izuku Questioned. We are here already At the front door of UA where all our journey will begin. "Oh, This Is Kusuo Saiki My childhood friend and we know each other a lot." I half lied half true. We do know each other a lot because I smell coffee jelly emitting from my Other AU self. ((Looks like he loves Coffee Jelly too and I might mistake him as a Coffee Jelly.))

((Look's like It, I might an AU me a strange Encounter Right Guys?))

{{I can still hear you, you know?}}

((Ugh... You're my AU me and you don't know how to control you're power's still? I can control Mine call me Kuriko-sensei if you wanna learn how to use you're power's correctly)) I said using telepathy on 'Kusuo Saiki' My AU.

The Weird Encounter.

Well, that's about It, I made a long chapter, 'Chapter 4: New Student In UA! Class 1-A

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Well, that's about It, I made a long chapter, 'Chapter 4: New Student In UA! Class 1-A. And a Weird Encounter.

Well, I hope you like it!

Anyways, I forgot to tell you I don't Own Saiki K. Or Bnha or the Pictures they Belong to their respectful owners! So... Tell me If I make some Spelling Mistakes, and Is It Good or Bad?

| ♛Reborn In BNHA: New Beginning as Kuriko Midoriya♛ | Vol 1 |Where stories live. Discover now