Act 1, Scene 2

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Tw warning: self-harm

Traveling with Hisoka was more fun than you expected it to be. He always found a way to keep you entertained, whether it be showing you bungee gum tricks or telling you about his circus experience. You kept conversation as well, recounting your traveling experience and all the interesting people you've met.
"You're a great storyteller, (Y/n)," Hisoka told you once. You blushed and looked away. "Thanks, Hisoka. And you're pretty good at your card tricks too!".
Night came, and the both of you made a makeshift home with some poles and plastic. You used your transmutation powers to meld everything together and Hisoka used his bungee gum to carry everything in place. It would have been a lot quicker with your telekinesis but you decided against showing Hisoka your powers.

"Wait... where are you sleeping?"
Hisoka looked at you questioningly.
"What do you mean?"
"There's was only one sleeping mat!"
He shrugged. "So we'll share.".
Your mind immediately went places.
"You don't have a problem with that, do you?
"O-of course not!" Of course, you did! Wasn't that just... weird? "Just don't try anything. I sleep with a knife under my pillow.".
"Don't worry, I won't," He grinned. Rolling your eyes, you set out to make your bedding.
"Goodnight, (Y/n)," Hisoka told you as the two of you laid on the bed. You took the left and the right, and you both faced away from each other. You sighed. "'Night, Hisoka.". You both drifted off.

"Aah!" You shrieked, but your hands immediately covered your mouth out of instinct, so the sound was muffled. Hisoka hadn't woken up, but that didn't matter to you at the moment. Your mind was screaming at you, driving you crazy. And only one thing was making sense to you.

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You grabbed at the knife under your pillow and pulled up your left sleeve, the arm already filled with gashes. You closed your eyes and let the euphoria take over you once you fulfilled the deed, pushed the despair into the back of your mind, and kept your thoughts on the fresh, clean pain. You looked down and widened your eyes, you went too far, the blood's everywhere, shit, you have to clean it up-
"(Y/n)?" You heard behind you. You flinched, almost fell off the bed but he grabbed you and kept you upright, pulled you close so you were facing him. "Wow, you certainly made a mess," he remarked, clasping your wrist. You tried to yank it away but he tightened his grip. "Don't. Move.".
Hisoka took a handkerchief from his pocket and tried to wipe the blood off, but more kept pooling, so he wrapped the handkerchief around your wrist. You winced as he tightened it, which he took notice of. "Does it hurt too much?" He sternly asked, but you glared at him. "Why the hell do you even care? Just kill me already!"
"I'm sure you can do that without my help, (Y/n)," He responded, which shut you up. "Why would I want to kill you?"
"What, you don't want to fight me and see me break? Choke me until the life slips out of my body and I become a limp corpse in your hands? Dominate me and show me I'm nothing compared to you?"
He stared into your eyes. "No." He answered.

'Haha! I knew- what the hell? Did he just say no? He's lying, right?' You scanned him, his expression, his posture. You're a good lie detector. 'Well, that's new. He's not.'
You continued to watch him as he created some bungee gum to do a final stretch around your wound, making the bandage go around your thumb and loop back to your makeshift cast. "There," he finished, then looked up at you. "Give me your dagger.".
He shot you a glare, which you returned.
"What do you mean no?".
"I'm not giving my only weapon to a random stranger.".
Hisoka stared blankly at you for a moment, then started to crack up. "You're kidding me, right? First you tell me you want me to kill you, and now you say you don't? Talk about mood swings.".

Turning away from him, you retorted. "Well, I assumed you wanted to kill me from the beginning, but you just had your chance while I was vulnerable. So you must have some ulterior motive for keeping me alive. Either way, if you're not going to give me a swift death, I'd rather not go through the whole torturing bit.".
Hisoka was dumbfounded. "You really can't believe someone just wants to be your friend.".
He sighed. "Whatever. I'm going to sleep.". He lied back down on the bed, but before turning around he added "But you better not do something like this again, unless you want to suffer the consequences.".
You laughed. "What the hell are you going to do to me? You just patched me up.".
"And I can break you down as well.". The bungee gum around your wrist rapidly started to tighten, making you yelp. You tried to pry it off with no avail. "Hisoka! Release me at once!" You yelled at him. He smirked at you. "Be nice. I won't do anything to harm you unless you're already harming yourself, got it?".
"What if I have my knife to your throat, huh? What then?"
"Then I'll burst your veins in a second."
"I-" You stammered. "Why the hell do you even care?"

"Well I don't want my precious flower to up and wilt, do I?". Lack of a better response you stayed quiet, contemplating the mess you were in. Hisoka yawned. "I think I'm going to go back to sleep now. Good night, (Y/n). Oh, and just so you know, if you try to cut yourself in a different spot, the gum will expand and stop you. If you try to cut off the gum, the gum will start to tighten around your blood vessels until they inevitably burst. Sweet dreams!"

Watching him start to doze off, you considered just running the hell away from him. Then again, you'd never get that stupid piece of gum off your wrist. The solution seemed pretty easy. Just don't cut yourself until you reach Heaven's Arena, don't do anything to the gum, and then Hisoka will be convinced you're okay and he'll leave you the fuck alone... right?
"I'm too tired for this," You sighed, laying down.

"Good morning, flower,". You smiled at the sweet greeting, slowly staring to open your eyes. "Good morn- oh, it's you," You respond, your happy mood being interrupted by your realization. "I made breakfast," Hisoka continued, grinning. You pushed past him and spotted the food. 'Just be nice to him for now and don't upset him... too badly.'
"Thanks, Hisoka-kun," You said all too sweetly. "The food looks great!". The magician simply laughed in your face. "You can drop the act, (Y/n), being nice to me isn't going to change anything."
Frowning, you went back to your normal expression and started to eat the breakfast he had prepared. It wasn't half bad, but that wasn't the point. Your eyes stayed on the gum bandage... or more like gum chains. 'What is Hisoka's endgame?' You pondered. You glanced at him, his eyes already on you and your gazed met. He smiled. You looked down, flustered, then annoyed, fighting down the urge to maul him with a sharp knife. This was going to be harder than you thought.
"We should pack up and continue traveling," the magician says out loud, catching your attention. You nod and help him pack everything up, the gum on your wrist slightly hindering things.
Placing your backpack on your shoulders, you sighed. This was going to be a long journey.

(Author here! First, if you could vote or just comment on what you think about the chapter that'd be great! Also, I have a lot of plans for this fic, and it's also going to be long, but I hope you stick around! Thanks!)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2021 ⏰

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