nice coincidence

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Three years after the death of karura and the birth of Gaara, he had certain doubts regarding his mother and father and one day he asked his older sister

"Temari... Where are mom and dad? " She look at him scared, since she always avoided talking about that topic and more with Gaara, although she knew that one day he would have to know and it was better to tell him now, she could no longer hide everything.

" Look Gaara... I'll be honest with you... " she took a breath and continued "dad abandoned us before I was born... And Mom... Well... She... Passed away seconds after you were born. "Gaara was perplexed, he couldn't believe what his ears have just hurt in an instant he began to cry.

"This is all my fault, if I had not been born, mom would still be alive taking care of you and kankuro, I'm the worst person in the world. " Temari simply approached him, put a hand on his shoulder and said " don't say those things, it's not your fault that mom died, her body just couldn't resist anymore and she died, do you have nothing to do with it... Yes... Mom may not be with us in her own flesh, but it would always be in our hearts and apart from that she left the something beautiful and return."

" and who or what is that so beautiful that Mom left us?"

" don't you know?... Well, you, Gaara, you are what mom left us ... a beautiful, tender, special brother, with many virtues." Gaara was surprised to hear his sister's words, his blue eyes opened, although they were connected to some tears, he wiped them from his face and explain" thank you little sister for making me feel a little better... I don't know what I would do if I didn't have you two, the ones who have always protected Meme and have been there when I need you the most " Temari open her eyes and began to cry with happiness.

" Temari... Why are you crying? " Gaara looked at her confused and hug her. " you don't have to cry, I'm here and I promise you that I will always protect you like you to me. " Temari would not stop crying, the emotion that listening to her brother speaking that way, it was inevitable. " Clam down Gaara, I'm only crying from happiness.. To know.. That I have the best Brothers in the world "

The doorbell rang and kankuro yelled " I'll open it! You guys stay there hugging. " when kankuro open the door he was shocked to see a tall man with white hair and black onyx eyes.

"Hi kankuro, is your sister there? " Kankuro continued in shock for a while and then reacted " Y-yes, of course , I'll call her. "

" T-temari... "

"Kankuro... Is everything alright? "

" there's someone at the door for you."

" okay " Temari broke away from Gaara and one to the door when she saw the man.

" Hi... My name is Hatake Kakashi... You must be temari right? "

"Yes, it's me."

" wow... You look a lot like your mother karura. "

" ah... Well, thank you. "

" don't you know who I am? " Temari looked at him thoughtfully and then recognized him.

" aren't you my mother's best childhood friend? "

" the same, did your mother tell you why I would come? " Temari begin to sync to see if she remembered.

" Ah yes, I remember. My mother told me before she died that a friend of hers was going to take us to suna village after Gaara turned three... And it seems the time has come. "

"So is. Go tell your brother to get ready because we're leaving right now. "

"Okay." Temari entered the house and told her brothers " Gaara... Kankuro. We have to got with the man outside right now. "

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